AEEE Phase 2 Hall Ticket 2023 (Released): The Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham officials have released the AEEE Admit Card 2023 for the Phase 2 exam, scheduled from 5th May 2023 to 11th May 2023. Candidates can download the AEEE 2023 Admit Card from the given link starting on 16th April 2023. This article provides information on AEEE Exam Date, AEEE Admit Card 2023 download link, and the steps to download it. To stay updated about AEEE Admit, we recommend all applicants stay connected to this page.

AVV AEEE Phase II Exam Dates 2023
The AEEE Phase 2 Exam will be conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham from 5th May 2023 to 11th May 2023. Candidates who have applied for the exam must download their AEEE Admit Card 2023 from the official website before the exam date. The AEEE Exam is conducted for admission to various engineering courses offered by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
AEEE Phase 2 Admit Card 2023
Candidates can download their AEEE Admit Card 2023 from the official website of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham or from the direct link provided in this article. The AEEE Admit Card 2023 contains important details such as the exam date, timings, venue, and candidate details. Candidates must carry their AEEE Admit Card 2023 and a valid ID proof to the exam hall.
How to Download Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has released the AEEE Phase 2 Admit Card 2023 for the candidates appearing in the exam. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website. Here are the steps to download the AEEE Hall Ticket 2023:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham at
Step 2: Click on the AEEE Phase 2 Admit Card 2023 download link.
Step 3: Enter the required credentials such as application number and date of birth.
Step 4: Verify the details and click on the submit button.
Step 5: The AEEE Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download and take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
Candidates must carry their AEEE Admit Card 2023 to the exam hall as it is a mandatory document to appear for the exam.
Download AEEE Phase 2 Hall Ticket 2023 (Click Here)