Anna University Online Exam 2022 Instruction @, PDF Given Below: We know, Because of this Covid Pandemic, The universities and all the colleges has held the exam online so far. Past 2 years all the students have taken their exams in online mode only. And it still goes on. So that the officials of Anna University have provided instruction to the candidates who will take the online examination. Students who have all applied and paid fees for their semester examination should follow and obey the instruction given by the officials. As per the instruction from the officials, The students who have completed their examinations, have to upload the soft copy of the answer script in PDF form, in the MS Teams, within 60 minutes from the end of the examination. if they are unable to upload in the MS teams until 45 minutes from the completion of the examination, they can mail the soft copy to the respective campus mail lD given below in the last 15 minutes. However, it should be sent within 60 minutes from the end of the examinations.

Anna University Online Exam Pattern 2022
The exam pattern for the UG, PG exams will be the same as the one that was followed before the COVID-19 pandemic (offline, pen and paper examination). Students taking up the examinations should be ready with a laptop/ desktop/ mobile phone/ tablet with an internet facility to download the question paper before examination and upload the scanned (pdf version) copy of the answer script after the examination, the notice said.
ACOE (UD’s)- Anna University, CHENNAI-25
Consequent to the restoration of the two-tier Academic and Administrative System based on the Syndicate vide Resolution No.179.6.2, the Office of the Additional Controller of Examinations, University Departments, Anna University was established with effect from 02.01.2007. This office is carrying out the Examinations related activities for UG/PG programs conducted in the University Departments of four campuses.
How To Upload Online Exam Answer Script 2022?
The question paper will be shared by the principal of the college in any of the platforms such as Google Classrooms, Microsoft Teams, email, or any other sources created by the college. Students have to write the answers on the A4 size paper on both sides limited to 30 pages.
Students who have finished their exams must provide a soft copy of their answer script in PDF format to MS Teams within 60 minutes of the completion of the exam. They can submit the soft copy to the corresponding campus mail LD mentioned below in the last 15 minutes if they are unable to upload it to the MS teams till 45 minutes after the test is over.
Note that mail received after 60 minutes will not be considered for valuation. Since the mail LD has only limited capacity, those who are unable to upload in MS Teams only can mail the softcopy of the answer script. The soft copy of answer scripts received in any other mail from the ACOE office will not be considered for valuation.
Email Ids To send students Answer
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Anna University Instruction for Online Exam 2022 – Download
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