APSC Assistant Manager Admit Card 2023 (Released): The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has officially released the admit card for the Assistant Manager (Electrical) and Assistant Manager (Human Resource) Screening Test in 2023. This article provides essential details about the exam date, vacancies, and a step-by-step guide on how to download your hall ticket online.

apsc.nic.in Assistant Manager Exam Date 2023
Aspiring candidates for the positions of Assistant Manager (Electrical) and Assistant Manager (Human Resources) under APSC should be prepared for the upcoming Screening Test. The exam is scheduled to take place on October 15, 2023. It’s crucial to ensure you have your admit card well in advance to gain entry to the examination venue.
How to Download Assam AM Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
To access your APSC Assistant Manager Hall Ticket, follow these straightforward steps:
- Visit the official website of APSC: apsc.nic.in.
- Look for the “Admit Card” or “Hall Ticket” section on the homepage.
- Click on the relevant link for the Assistant Manager (Electrical & Human Resource) Screening Test Admit Card.
- Provide your registration details, such as roll number and date of birth.
- Click on the “Submit” button.
- Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and take a printout for the exam.
Download APSC Assistant Manager Admit Card 2023 << Available Now >>