APSC CCE Prelims Result 2023: The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has recently released the result of the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam 2022-23 on its official website, apsc.nic.in. Over 10,000 candidates have been shortlisted for the next round of recruitment. This article will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about the APSC CCE Result 2023.

APSC CCE 2023 Result Overview:
The APSC CCE Prelims Exam 2022-23 was conducted on 26th March 2023, and the result was declared on 12th April 2023. A total of 10148 candidates have qualified for the mains exam. The selection process for the APSC CCE comprises three stages – Prelims Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview.
APSC CCE Mains Exam 2023:
The shortlisted candidates are required to appear in the Combined Competitive (Main) Exam 2022, which will have Paper 1 to Paper 6 of 1500 marks. The prescribed online application forms for the main exam are available on the APSC website, www.apsc.nic.in. The online applications can be filled up from 20th April 2023 from 12:00 Noon to 5th May 2023 till 5:00 PM, after which the link will be disabled.
APSC CCE Mains Exam Notice 2023 PDF
How to Download Assam PSC CCE Result 2023?
1. Go to the official website of the APSC Commission – apsc.nic.in
3. Click on the link to download the APSC CCE Result PDF
APSC Combined Competitive Exam Result 2023 – Click Here
Note:- The final selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of the performance of the mains exam and interview round. We hope this article has provided you with all the necessary information you need to know about the APSC CCE Result 2023. Candidates can download the APSC CCE Result PDF from the direct link provided in the article. Keep checking the official website for any further updates regarding the main exam.