APSC Lecturer Interview Admit Card 2023 (Out): The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has issued the interview admit card for the Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts (District Institutes of Education and Training) recruitment. With 65 vacancies to be filled, the commission has scheduled the interview rounds on the 30th, 31st August, and 8th September 2023. Aspirants can now access their interview call letters from the official website apsc.nic.in since the release date on 25th August 2023.

Assam Lecturer Interview Exam Date 2023
The interview process for the position of Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts is set to take place on three consecutive days: 30th August 2023, 31st August 2023, and 8th September 2023. This rigorous evaluation will determine the most qualified candidates to fill the 65 available vacancies.
apsc.nic.in Lecturer Call Letter 2023
The APSC has made available the call letters for the Lecturer interview on its official website, apsc.nic.in. Aspirants who are shortlisted for the interview rounds can download and print their call letters to gain entry to the interview venue. The call letters contain essential information such as the interview schedule, venue details, and candidate instructions.
How to Check APSC Lecturer Interview Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
To access the APSC Lecturer Interview Hall Ticket 2023 online, follow these steps:
- Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of Assam Public Service Commission at apsc.nic.in.
- Navigate to Admit Card Section: Find and click on the ‘Admit Card‘ or ‘Call Letter‘ section on the homepage.
- Select the Lecturer Interview Admit Card: Look for the link related to the “Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts Interview Admit Card 2023” and click on it.
- Provide Details: Enter the required details such as your registration number, date of birth, and any other relevant information.
- Download and Print: After verifying the details, click on the “Download” button. Once the admit card appears on the screen, print it out for future reference during the interview process.
Download APSC Lecturer Interview Call Letter 2023 << Available Now >>
Download APSC Lecturer Interview 2023 Interview Date << Available Now >>