Bharathiar University Semester Exams 2021 @ www.b-u.ac.in: Bharathiar University has announced the semester exams postponed due to coronavirus. New Exam Date announced soon on the official website of https://www.b-u.ac.in/.
The notice states that It is, by direction, informed that, in view of the extension of lockdown declared in the state of Tamil Nadu by the Revenue and Disaster Management (DM-|V) Department, Government of Tamil Nadu vide G.O. No. 386 dated 22.05.2021 for a period of 7 days from 04.00 A.M. on 24.05.2021 till 06.00 A.M. on 31.05.2021, the semester examinations scheduled to be held from 25.05.2021 to 27.05.2021 for the students of University Departments / PG Extension Centre / Affiliated (nonautonomous) Colleges of Bharathiar University are postponed. The revised schedule of examinations will be informed later.
Principals of all Affiliated (Non-autonomous) Colleges and Heads of University Departments are urged to advise all affected students and faculty members of the postponement of examinations as soon as possible. Principals of all Affiliated (Autonomous) Colleges are hereby instructed to reschedule any examinations, if any, so that they will begin at a later date, taking into account the lockdown period.