Bihar LRC Cut-Off 2023 (Out Soon): The Bihar Revenue and Land Reforms Department will announce the cut-off marks for the Bihar LRC examination for the selection of eligible candidates for the posts of Special Survey Assistant Officer, Special Survey Kanungo, Special Survey Amin, and Special Survey Clerk. The cut-off marks are the minimum qualifying marks to be declared qualified in the exam. The cut-off marks will be released along with the result of the written exam. The Bihar LRC Cut-Off 2023 will be released after the written exam. LRC Expected Cut-Off Marks
The Bihar LRC Cut-Off 2023 will be released after the written exam. The cut-off marks will depend on various factors such as the number of candidates who appeared in the exam, the total number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, etc. The cut-off marks will be decided based on these factors. The Bihar LRC Expected Cut-Off Marks are given below:
Category Expected Cut-Off Marks
- General 80-85
- SC 65-70
- ST 60-65
- OBC 75-80
Bihar LRC Cut-Off Marks 2023 Deciding Factors
The Bihar LRC Cut Off Marks will be released after the written exam. The cut-off marks are the minimum qualifying marks to be declared qualified in the exam. The cut-off marks will depend on various factors such as the number of candidates who appeared in the exam, the total number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, etc. The cut-off marks will be decided based on these factors.
• Number of Candidates who appeared in the Exam: The cut-off marks will depend on the total number of candidates who appeared in the exam. If the number of candidates is more than the total number of vacancies, then the cut-off marks will be higher.
• Total Number of Vacancies: The cut-off marks will also depend on the total number of vacancies. If the total number of vacancies is more, then the cut-off marks will be low.
• Difficulty Level of Exam: The cut-off marks will also depend on the difficulty level of the exam. If the exam is of a higher level of difficulty, then the cut-off marks will be higher.
How to Download Bihar LRC Cut-Off 2023 Online?
The Bihar Revenue and Land Reforms Department will release the Bihar LRC Cut-Off 2023 on its official website. Candidates can download the cut-off marks from the official website. Candidates can follow the steps given below to download the cut-off marks:
Step 1: Visit the official website of the
Step 2: Click on the link of ‘Bihar LRC Cut Off 2023.
Step 3: The cut-off marks will be displayed on the screen.
Step 4: Download and take a printout of the cut-off marks for future reference.
Download Bihar LRC Cut-Off 2023 << Available Soon >>