BPSGMCK Specialist Doctors Result 2020 OUT | Duty Medical Officer Interview Schedule @ bpsgmckhanpur.ac.in: BPS Government Medical College for Women (BPSGMC) has officially released the Duty Medical Officer, Specialist Doctor, ICU Care Taker, Radiologist Post Notification. The candidates are eagerly waiting for the BPSGMCK Specialist Doctors, Duty Medical Officer Provisional Selection List 2020. Now, the officials has released the BPSGMCK Result 2020 and Interview Schedule in official website. The officials will be conduct the BPSGMCK Specialist Doctors and Duty Medical Officer Post Interview on 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020. The aspirants can check and download the BPSGMCK Duty Medical Officer, Specialist Doctors Result 2020, Selected Candidates List and Interview Schedule in official website bpsgmckhanpur.ac.in or throw direct link given below.

BPSGMCK Duty Medical Officer Result 2020 Details
Organization | BPS Government Medical College for Women (BPSGMC) |
Post Name | Duty Medical Officer, Specialist Doctor, ICU Care Taker, Radiologist |
Vacancies | 143 |
Category | Result |
Interview Date | 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020 |
Result | Released |
How to Download BPSGMCK Result 2020
Step 1: Click the Official website bpsgmckhanpur.ac.in
Step 2: Search for the BPS Government Medical College for Specialist Doctors and Duty Medical Officer Result.
Step 3: Then the Candidates BPSGMCK Result 2020 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 4: Check out their Details confirmed.
Step 5: Then take a print out of that BPSGMCK Result 2020.
BPSGMCK Result 2020 for Medical Officer and Specialist Doctors with Interview Schedule (Available Now)
NOTE: Candidates keep in touch with TAMILANJOBS website for more information regarding Jobs, Exams, results and other details.