CG 10th, 12th Results 2023 (Out): The Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) has announced the result for the 10th and 12th class exams. The results for both classes has been available online on May 10, 2023. Students can check their results on the official websites of CGBSE,, and The Education Minister of CG, Premsai Singh Tekam, has announced the results.

Chhattisgarh 10th, 12th Cut Off Mark 2023
The CG 10th and 12th cut-off mark 2023 will be announced along with the results. The cut-off mark is the minimum score required to pass the exam. Students who score below the cut-off mark will not be considered a pass. The cut-off mark varies for different subjects and categories. 10th, 12th Merit List 2023
The CG 10th and 12th merit list 2023 will be released after the results are announced. The merit list contains the names of the top-performing students in the exam. The merit list is prepared based on the student’s overall performance in the exam.
How to Check CG 10th & 12th Results 2023 Online?
To check your CG 10th, and 12th results 2023 online, follow the simple steps below:
Step 1: Go to the official website of CGBSE, or
Step 2: Click on the link ‘CG 10th, 12th Results 2023.’
Step 3: Enter your roll number and other required details.
Step 4: Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 5: Your CG 10th and 12th results 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Take a printout or screenshot of your result for future reference.
Download CG 10th Results 2023 << Click Here >>
Download CG 12th Results 2023 << Click Here >>
Important Documents to Check CG 10th, 12th Results 2023
To check your CG 10th and 12th results 2023, you will need the following documents:
1. Roll number
2. Admit card
3. Date of birth
Pass Percentage in CG 10th, 12th Results 2023
The pass percentage in CG 10th and 12th results 2023 has announced along with the results. The pass percentage is the percentage of students who passed the exam out of the total number of students who appeared for the exam. The pass percentage varies for different subjects and categories.
Note: Students can check their CG 10th, and 12th results 2023 online on May 10, 2023, on the official websites of CGBSE. They can also check the cut-off mark, merit list, pass percentage, and other information related to the results on this page.