CRPF Head Constable Syllabus 2020 PDF | Download Exam Pattern: Central Reserve Police Force (CPRF) as officially released the Head Constable GD Examination 2020. The candidates eagerly check and prepare the examination. So, we provided the CRPF Head Constable Syllabus 2020 to score more marks in the CRPF Head Constable Exam. Not only the CRPF Head Constable Syllabus you can also get the Head Constable Exam Pattern 2020 from this page. So, candidates can prepare for the CRPF Head Constable Exam without any disturbance. To the bottom of this page, you can easily get the CRPF Head Constable Syllabus 2020 & Exam Pattern in PDF Format. The candidates can use this article to get more marks and idea about the examination.

CRPF Head Constable Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2020
Organization | Central Reserve Police Force (CPRF) |
Post name | Head Constable GD |
Vacancies | 1400 |
Admit Card | Click here |
Official Website | |
Status | Syllabus and Exam Pattern are available |
Category | Syllabus |
CRPF Head Constable GD Exam Pattern 2020
Subject Names | No. of Questions | Marks |
General Intelligence, Awareness, Reasoning Numerical Ability | 60 | 60 |
Professional knowledge | 70 | 70 |
Language Comprehension and Communication Skills | 30 | 30 |
Total | 160 Questions | 160 Marks |
CRPF Head Constable GD LDCE Syllabus 2020 – Subject Wise
In this section, we have listed the Sub Topics that will be asked in CRPF Head Constable GD 2020 Exam. Candidates can build a schedule for the CRPF HC LDCE Exam to score more marks in the test. In this article, we recommend you to prepare from the subjects as listed below which helps to gain a good score. To know more about the CRPF Head Constable GD 2020 Exam, candidates can go through to all the sections in the entire article. So, go through the below-given sub-topics before downloading the complete syllabus.
CRPF Head Constables GD Syllabus for General Intelligence
- Problem Solving
- Statement Conclusion
- Syllogistic Reasoning
- Problem Solving
- Coding & Decoding
- Figural Pattern – Folding & Completion
- Embedded Figures
- Space Visualization
- Decision making
- Visual Memory
- Discrimination
- Venn Diagrams
- Drawing Inferences
- Word Building
- Symbolic Operations
- Space Orientation
- Social Intelligence
- Semantic Analogy
- Semantic Classification
- Figural Analogy
- Figural Classification
- Emotional Intelligence
- Semantic Series
- Symbolic & Number Analogy
- Coding & Decoding
- Numerical Operations
- Symbolic & Number Classification
- Number Series
- Critical Thinking
- Figural Series
- Analogies
- Word Building
- Symbolic Operations
- Similarities & Differences
- Punched Hole/ Pattern – Folding & Unfolding
- Non-verbal Series
- Coding & Decoding
- Figural Pattern – Folding & Completion
- Embedded Figures
- Space Visualization
- Spatial Orientation
- Analysis
- Judgment
- Arithmetical Reasoning & Figural Classification
- Arithmetic Number Series
- Observation
- Relationship Concepts
CRPF Head Constable GD Syllabus for General Awareness
- General Science
- Space & IT
- Indian Culture
- Sports and Games
- National News (current)
- Inventions in the World
- Economic Scene
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries
- Indian Constitution
- General PoliticsIndian Polity & Governance
- Scientific observations
- Important Financial & Economic News
- Cultural Heritage
- Indian Economy
- History – India & World
- Everyday Science
- Social Science
- Abbreviations
- International issues
- About India
CRPF HC GD LDCE Professional Knowledge Syllabus
- History of the Computer
- Basic Computer Terminology
- Computer tools
- Software names and usages
- Database Management Systems
- Functions of RBI
- Computer hardware parts and controls
- Network Basics
- Legal aspects of Banking Regulation
- Basic internet knowledge and protocols
- Computer Abbreviation
- Various Acts related to Banking and Financial sector
- Number system
- Mobility of Personnel and Retirement
- Operating system
CRPF Head Constable GD LDCE Syllabus for General English
- Synonyms/ Homonyms
- Antonyms and its correct usage
- Spot the Error
- Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
- Comprehension Passage
- Common Error
- Shuffling of Sentence parts
- Conversions
- Grammar
- Antonyms
- Improvement of Sentences
- Idioms & Phrases
- Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
- Cloze Passage
- Sentence Rearrangement
- One-word substitution
- Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words
- Fill in the Blanks
- Vocabulary
CRPF Head Constables GD Syllabus for Numerical Ability
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Number Systems
- Profit and Loss
- Discount
- Averages
- Interest
- Mensuration
- Time and Work
- Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers
- Fundamental Arithmetical operations
- Time and Distance
- Ratio and Time
- Percentages, Ratio & proportion
- Use of Table and Graphs
- Mensuration
- Time and Work
CRPF HC GD Syllabus – Language Comprehension and Communication Skill
- Synonyms, List of synonyms, Antonyms
- Functional Grammar, Articles, Prepositions, Parts of Speech
- Verbal Ability
- Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension and answering the questions
- Precis Writing, Summarizing
- Business and Personal Correspondence
- Style & Importance
- Interviews & Group Discussions
- Homonyms
- Homophones
- Comprehension – Textual Grammar
- Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension and answering the questions
- Comprehension: Reading Comprehension
- Functional Grammar, Tenses, Active voice and Passive voice.
RPF Head Constable GD Syllabus 2020 & Exam Pattern PDF
NOTE: Candidates keep in touch with TAMILANJOBS website for more information regarding Jobs, Exams, results and other details.