CSL Ship Design Assistant Syllabus 2020 PDF | Download Exam Pattern: Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) has provided the Syllabus for Ship Design Assistant (Contractual) Posts. This article provides complete information about the CSL Ship Design Assistant (Contractual) Exam Syllabus 2020. And you can also get the CSL Ship Design Assistant Exam Pattern 2020 from this page. At the end of the page, we have provided the CSL Ship Design Assistant Syllabus 2020 PDF link. The aspirant’s Candidates check and download the CSL Ship Design Assistant Exam Syllabus Subject Wise in the official website or throw direct link given below.

Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) Ship Design Assistant Syllabus 2020 – Summary
Organization | Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) |
Post name | Ship Design Assistant (Contractual) |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Official website | cochinshipyard.com |
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) Ship Design Assistant Exam Pattern 2020
Subjects | Questions | Marks | Time duration |
General Knowledge | 5 | 5 | 1 hour |
General English | 5 | 5 | |
Reasoning | 5 | 5 | |
Quantitative Aptitude | 5 | 5 | |
Discipline related | 30 | 30 |
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) Ship Design Assistant Syllabus 2020
General English
- Grammar
- Correct usage of Articles
- Vocabulary usage
- Prepositions
- Singular and Plural
- Spotting Errors
- Sentence Completion
- Synonyms
- One word substitution
- Idioms & Phrases
- Antonyms
- Reconstruction of sentences
General Knowledge
- Facts about India and other countries: Basic facts/ Geography/ Tourism/ Transport systems/ Personalities/ Places/ History/ Constitution/ Economy/ Writers/ Literatures/ Indian States & Union Territories/ International Organizations.
- General Science : Branches of studies/ Scientific instruments and appliances/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology.
- Sports & Games.
- Writers – Authors – Biography – Autobiography.
- Abbreviations.
- Important Events/ Movements/ Leaders/ Places/ Years.
- Classification.
- Direction Sense Test.
- Alphabet Test.
- Series Completion.
- Coding-Decoding.
- Blood Relation.
- Analogy.
- Odd Man Out.
- General Intelligence.
- Number and Ranking.
- Puzzle Test.
- Practise Current Affairs Mock Test Questions
Quantitative Aptitude
- Fraction and Decimals.
- Ratio and Proportion.
- Time and Work.
- Profit, Loss, and Discount, Statistics.
- Simplification.
- Volume and surface areas.
- Percentage – Interest.
- HCF and LCM.
- Square roots and Cube roots.
- Problems based on numbers, Speed, Time and Distance, Simple Interest.
- Compound Interest.
- Number system.
- Permutations & Combinations.
- Probability.
- Boats and Streams.
- Problems on Trains.
- Average.
- Problems based on ages.
Concerned Departments
- Engineering Materials.
- Fluid Machinery & Steam Generators.
- Heat Transfer, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
- Theory Of Machines.
- Machine Design.
- The Strength of Materials.
- Fluid Mechanics.
- Thermodynamics
- Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Machines and Power Transformers.
- Analog and Digital Electronics and Circuits.
- EM Theory.
- Electrical Materials.
- Power Systems.
- Control Systems.
- Measurements and Instrumentation.
- Communication Systems.
- Microprocessors.
- Power Electronics
- Electrical Circuits
NOTE: Candidates keep in touch with TAMILANJOBS website for more information regarding Jobs, Exams, results and other details.