Dibrugarh University 6th Sem Results 2023 (Out): Dibrugarh University recently conducted the 6th semester exams for BSC and BCOM students in May 2023. Good news for all the students who appeared in the exams, as the Dibrugarh University 6th Sem Results 2023 have been released. In this article, we will guide you on how to check the provisional merit list and cut-off marks online.

Dibrugarh University 6th Sem Provisional Merit List 2023
The Dibrugarh University 6th Sem Provisional Merit List 2023 has been released on 30th June 2023. The merit list is available for both BSC and BCOM candidates. It is important for all the students to check their merit position in order to plan their next steps. The merit list is provided in PDF format and includes details such as Rank, Roll number, Name, Grade, center, etc.
DU VI Sem Provisional 2023 Cut-Off Marks
To determine the cut-off marks for the 6th semester exams, Dibrugarh University has set certain criteria. These cut-off marks play a crucial role in deciding eligibility for further studies or applying for revaluation. Students are advised to check the official website for the cut-off marks details.
How to Check dibru.ac.in 6th Sem Results 2023 Online?
Follow the below steps to check the Dibrugarh University 6th Sem Results 2023 online:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Dibrugarh University at www.dibru.ac.in.
Step 2: On the homepage, navigate to the “Results” section.
Step 3: Look for the link related to the 6th Sem Results and click on it.
Step 4: You will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter your Roll number and other required details.
Step 5: After entering the details, click on the “Submit” button.
Step 6: The Dibrugarh University 6th Sem Results 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Download the result and take a printout for future reference.
Revaluation Application Form and Fee Details
If any student wishes to apply for revaluation or obtain a photocopy of their answer script, they must check the revaluation application form and fee details provided by Dibrugarh University. This process allows students to review their answer scripts and challenge any discrepancies they may find.
Download Dibrugarh University B.Sc 6th Sem Results 2023 << Available Now >>
Download Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem Results 2023 << Available Now >>
Note: Congratulations to all the students who have successfully cleared the Dibrugarh University 6th semester exams. Make sure to check the provisional merit list and cut-off marks to know your position and eligibility for further studies. Stay updated with the official website for any further notifications regarding revaluation or other related processes.