DSSSB Junior Clerk 2021 Result (Out), Check Download Supplementary Results: Are you looking to find DSSB Jr Clerk Result 2021?. If yes, you are on the correct webpage. On 17.05.201, the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board has released the Supplementary Result for the post of Junior Clerk on its website. As a result, All the candidates who are appeared on DSSSB Junior Clerk Exam 2021, can check their result at dsssb.delhi.gov.in.

Delhi Transport Junior Clerk Result 2021
- The DSSSB vide its Advertisement NO. 01/15 With closing date 26/11/2015 had advertised 57 vacancies (UR-30, OBC-15, SC-OS, ST-04 including HH-OI, VH-OI) for the Post Of Junior Clerk in Delhi Transport Corporation under Post Code 19/15. Board Conducted Tier-I written examination for recruitment in respect of this post on 10/10/2019 and 11/10/2019. Board had declared marks of Tier I written examination of the Candidates of the Post of Junior Clerk in Delhi Transport Corporation under postCode 19/15 vides notice number 889 dated 23/01/2020.
- Based on the performance in the One Tier Examination, 585 candidates were shortlisted for appearing in the Skill Test/Typing Test for the post of Junior Clerk in Delhi Transport Corporation under postCode 19/15 vide notice number 889 dated 23/01/2020. The Skill Test/Typewriting Test was conducted on 16/02/2020 for VH candidates and from 22/02/2021 to 25/02/2021 Wherein Out Of 585 candidates, 385 candidates appeared for the test. In the Skill Test conducted, out Of 385 candidates, only 346 candidates could qualify. The result Of the skill test was declared vide notice no. 1119 dated 2203/2021.
- As per RRs for the post, the candidate was to qualify the 30 w.p.m. in typewriting in
English or 25 W.p.m. in typewriting in Hindi. - On the basis Of the written Examination, Tier-I held from 10/10/2019 and 11/10/2019 and is qualified in Skill Test held on 16/02/2020 for VH candidates and from 22/02/2021 to 25/02/2021 and having been found provisionally eligible as per documents uploaded in support of Educational Qualification, Age, etc.
DSSSB Junior Clerk Cutoff Marks 2021
Here below, we have given cut off marks for Delhi Transport Corporation DSSSB Junior Clerk.

Steps to check DSSSB Junior Clerk Result 2021
In order to check the DSSSB Junior Clerk Result 2021, the candidates need to follow the below steps carefully. Afterwards, it will be very much easy to download the result.
- Visit DSSB official website i.e. https://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/
- Move on “Latest Update” Section
- Now Find “RESULT NOTICE NO. 1138” and click on it
- Now click on the PDF link
- Finally, check your registration number on the pdf.