FCI Assistant Grade 3 Mains Result 2023 (Out): The Food Corporation of India (FCI) has released the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Mains Result 2023 for the Phase-II examination. This exam was conducted to shortlist eligible candidates for 5043 posts of Assistant Grade III across various departments such as General, Accounts, Technical, & Depot, Junior Engineer (JE), and Steno Grade II. If you have taken the FCI Assistant Grade 3 exam on 5th March 2023, then you can check your result and cut-off on the official FCI website, www.fci.gov.in, in PDF format. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information about the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Mains Result 2023.

FCI Phase II Cut-Off Marks 2023
The FCI Phase II Cut-Off Marks 2023 have also been released along with the result. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate needs to score to qualify for the next stage of the recruitment process. The cut-off marks are different for different categories. The FCI Phase II Cut-Off Marks 2023 are as follows:
Category Cut-Off Marks
- General 85
- OBC 80
- SC 75
- ST 70
fci.gov.in Merit List 2023
The FCI AG 3 Mains Result 2023 PDF will also include the merit list of the qualified candidates. The merit list is prepared based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the Phase-II exam. The merit list contains the names of the candidates in the order of their rank. Candidates who have secured higher marks will be ranked higher in the merit list.
How to download FCI Phase 2 Result 2023 Online?
To download the FCI Phase 2 Result 2023 online, candidates can follow the steps given below:
1. Go to the official website of FCI, www.fci.gov.in.
2. On the homepage, click on the “Current Recruitment” tab.
3. Click on the link “FCI Assistant Grade 3 Mains Result 2023“.
4. The PDF file containing the list of qualified candidates will be displayed on the screen.
5. Click on the download button to save the PDF file on your device.
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