GPSC Dental Surgeon Syllabus 2021 Download | Check Here: The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) officials has going to conduct the written examination for the post of Dental Surgeon (Class-2). So many applicants have applied for Dental Surgeon Exam and waiting to know how to prepare for the examination. Using this link one can easily get a clear idea about the preparation of the GPSC Dental Surgeon Exam. For the sake of candidates, We have inserted the direct download link below.
GPSC Dental Surgeon Syllabus 2021 – Overview

Download GPSC Dental Surgeon Syllabus 2021 | |
Organization Name | Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) |
Post Name | Dental Surgeon |
Vacancy | Various |
Category | Syllabus |
Exam Date | Announce Soon |
Selection Process | Written Exam, Interview |
Official Site | or |
GPSC Dental Surgeon Exam Pattern 2021
Part | No of Questions | Marks | Medium |
Part-1 | 100 | 100 | Gujarati |
Part-2 | 200 | 200 | English |
GPSC Dental Surgeon Syllabus 2021
Part- I:
- Geography of India-Physical, Economic, Social, Natural Resources and population-related topics- with special reference to Gujarat
- The cultural heritage of India-Literature, Art, Religion, and Architecture- with special reference to Gujarat
- History of India with special reference to Gujarat
- Indian Economy and Planning
- Indian Polity and the Constitution of India:
- Preamble
- Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Composition of Parliament
- Powers of the President of India
- Powers of Governor
- Judiciary
- Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and backward classes of the society
- Attorney General
- NITI Aayog
- Panchayati Raj Institutions
- Finance Commission
- Constitutional and Statutory Bodies: Election Commission of India, Union Public Service Commission, State Public Service Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General; Central Vigilance Commission, Lokpal, and Lokayukta, Central Information Commission
6. General Mental Ability
7. General Science, Environment and Information & Communication Technology
8. Daily events of Regional, National and International Importance including Sports
Part- II:
1. General Human Anatomy including Embryology, Osteology and
Introduction, Detailed Anatomy and osteology of Head and Neck, Gross Anatomy of Thorax, Abdomen, and Extremities, Embryology of Head, Neck with emphasis on the development of the face, jaws, tongue, palates, salivary glands, pharyngeal arches and pouches lymphatic and blood vessel system, G.I system, Par nasal air sinuses, Gross Anatomy of the brain.
2. Human Physiology:
General Physiology, Blood, Muscle and Nerve, Digestive system, Excretory system, Body temperature and Functions of skin, Endocrinology, Reproduction, Cardiovascular system, Respiratory system, Central nervous system, Special senses.
3. Biochemistry and Nutrition:
Chemistry of Bioorganic molecules, Macronutrients and digestion, Micronutrients, Energy Metabolism, Special aspects of Metabolism, Biochemical genetics and Protein synthesis, Enzyme and Metabolic regulation, Structural Components, and Blood proteins, Medical Biochemistry.
4. Dental Anatomy, Embryology, and Oral histology:
Tooth Morphology, Oral Embryology, Oral Histology, Oral Physiology
5. General Pathology:
Marks – 200 Questions – 200 Medium – English Introduction to Pathology, Terminologies, cell in health, normal cell structure, cellular functions, Etiology and Pathogenesis of Disease, Inflammation, Healing.
6. Microbiology:
History, Introduction, Scope, Aims and Objectives, Morphology, Physiology of bacteria, Detail account of Sterilization and Disinfection, Brief account of Culture media and Culture techniques, Basic knowledge of selection, collection, transport, processing of clinical, Specimen and identification of bacteria, Bacterial Genetics and Drug Resistance in bacteria, Immunology, Systematic Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology.
7. General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics:
General Pharmacology, Anti-septic’s, astringents, obtundents, mummifying agents, bleaching agents, styptics, disclosing agents, dentifrices, mouthwashes, caries and fluorides, Pharmacotherapy of common oral conditions in dentistry.
8. Dental Materials:
Structure of matter and Principles of Adhesion, Important Physical properties applicable to Dental materials, Biological consideration in the use of Dental materials, Gypsum and Gypsum products, Impression materials used in Dentistry, Synthetic resins used in Dentistry, Metal, and Alloys, Dental waxes including inlay casting wax, Dental casting investments, Soldering, Brazing and Welding, Dental cement, Dental ceramics, Abrasion and polishing agents, Die and counter die materials including electroforming and electropolishing, Dental implants, Mechanics of cutting.
9. Oral Pathology and Oral Microbiology:
Developmental disturbances of teeth, jaws and soft tissues of oral &perioral region, Dental Caries, Pulp &Periapical Pathology & Osteomyelitis, Periodontal Diseases, Microbial infections of oral soft tissues, Common non-inflammatory diseases, involving the jaws, Diseases of TM Joint, Cysts of the Oral &Perioral region, Tumors of the Oral Cavity, Traumatic, Reactive & Regressive lesions of Oral Cavity, Nonneoplastic Salivary Oland Diseases, Systemic Diseases involving Oral cavity, Mucocutaneous Lesions, Diseases of the Nerves, Pigmentation of -Oral &Perioral region &Discoloration of teeth, Diseases of Maxillary Sinus.
10. General Medicine:
Infections, G.I.T, CVS, RS, Hematology, Renal system, Nutrition, CNS, Endocrines, Critical care.
11. General Surgery:
History of surgery, General principles op’ surgery, Wounds, Inflammation, Infections, Shock and hemorrhage, Tumors, ulcers, cysts, sinus and fistulae, Diseases of the lymphatic system, Diseases of the oral cavity, Diseases of larynx, nasopharynx, Nervous system, Fractures,
Principles of operative surgery, Anomalies of development of the face, Diseases of thyroid and parathyroid, Swellings of the jaw, biopsy.
12. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic:
Nomenclature of Dentition, Tooth numbering systems A.D.A. Zsigmondy Palmer and F.D.I. systems, Principles of cavity preparation, Dental caries, Treatment planning for operative Dentistry, Gnathological concepts of restoration, Armamentarium for cavity preparation, Control of operating piled, Amalgam restoration, Pulp protection, Anterior restorations, Direct filling gold restorations, Preventive measures in restorative practice, Temporization interim Restoration, Pin Amalgam Restoration indication and contra indication, Management of deep carious lesions, Indirect and direct pulp capping, Non carious destruction of tooth structures diagnosis and clinical management, Hyper sensitive dentine and its management, Cast restorations, Die materials and preparation of dies, gingival tissue management for cast restoration and impression procedures, recent cavity modification amalgam restoration, differences between amalgam and inlay cavity preparation with note -on all the types of bevels used for cast restoration, control of pain during operative procedures, treatment planning for operative, dentistry detailed clinical and radiographic, examination, vitality tests, diagnosis and treatment planning and preparation of case sheet, applied dental materials, Endodontics: introduction, definition, scope and future of endodontics, clinical diagnostic methods, emergency endodontic procedures, pulpal diseases causes, types and treatment, periapical diseases: acute periapical abscess, acute periodontal abscess phoenix abscess, chronic alveolar abscess granuloma cysts condensing osteits, external resorption, vital pulp therapy: indirect and direct pulp capping, pulpotomy, different types and medicaments used, apexogenisis and apexification or problems of open apex, rationale of endodontic treatment case selection indication and contraindications for root canal treatments, principles of root canal treatment, mouth preparation, root canal instruments, hand instruments, power driven instruments, standardization, colorcoding principle of using endodontic instruments, sterilization of root canal instruments and materials rubber dam application, anatomy of the pulp cavity, root canals apical foramen, anomalies of pulp cavities access cavity preparation of anterior and premolar teeth, preparation of root canal space, determination of working length, cleaning and shaping of root canals, irrigating solution, chemical aids to instrumentation, disinfection of root canal space intracanal medicaments, poly antibiotic paste gross marls paste, mummifying agents, outline of root canal treatment, bacteriological examinations, culture methods, problems during cleaning and shaping of root canal spaces, perforation and its management, broken instruments and its management, management of single and double curved root canals, methods of cleaning and shaping like step-back crown down and conventional methods, obturation of the root canal system, requirements of an ideal root canal filling material obturation methods using gutty percha healing after endodontic treatment, failures in endodontics, root canal sealers, ideal properties classification, manipulation of root canal sealers, post endodontic restoration fabrication and components of post core preparation, smear layer and its importance in endodontics and conservative treatment, discolored teeth and its management, bleaching agents, vital and nonvital bleaching methods, traumatised teeth classification of fractured teeth, management of fractured tooth and root, luxated teeth and its management, endodontic surgeries indication and contraindications, preoperative preparation. premedication surgical instruments and techniques apicectomy, retrograde filling, postoperative sequelae trephination hemisection, discectomy techniques of tooth reimplantation (both intentional and accidental) endodontic implants, root resorption, emergency endodontic procedures, lasers in conservative endodontics (introduction only) practice management.
13. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery:
Introduction, definition, scope, aims and objectives, Diagnosis in oral surgery, Principles of infection control and cross-infection control with particular reference to HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, Principles of Oral Surgery, Exodontia: General considerations, Impacted teeth, Pre-prosthetic Surgery, Disorders of T.M. Joint, Infections of the Oral cavity, Benign cystic lesions of the jaws, Tumors of the Oral cavity, Fractures of the jaws, Salivary gland diseases, Jaw deformities, Neurological disorders, Cleft Lip and Palate, Medical Emergencies ‘in dental practice, Emergency drugs, Intramuscular I.V. Injections, Oral Implantology.
14. Oral medicine and Radiology:
Oral medicine and Diagnostic methods, Diagnosis, Differential diagnosis, Oral medicine and Therapeutics, Behavioral sciences.
15. Orthodontics and Dental Orthopaedics:
Introduction, Definition, Historical Background, Aims and Objectives of Orthodontics and need for Orthodontic care, Growth, and Development: In General, Morphologic Development Of Craniofacial Structures, Functional.Development of Dental Arches and Occlusion, Clinical Application of Growth and Development, Malocclusion – In General, Classification of Malocclusion, Diagnosis And Diagnostic Aids, General Principles In Orthodontic Treatment Planning Of Dental And Skeletal Malocclusions, Anchorage in Orthodontics – Definition, Classification, Types, and Stability Of Anchorage, Biomechanical Principles In Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Preventive Orthodontics, Interceptive Orthodontics, Corrective Orthodontics, Orthodontic Appliances.
16. Paediatrics and Preventive Dentistry:
Introduction to paedodontics& preventive dentistry, growth &development, development of occlusion from birth through adolescence, dental anatomy and histology, dental radiology related to pedodontics, oral surgical procedures in children, dental caries, gingival
& periodontal diseases in children, child psychology, behavior management, pediatric operative dentistry, pediatric endodontics, traumatic injuries in children, preventive & interceptive orthodontics, oral habits in children, dental care of children with special needs, congenital abnormalities in children, dental emergencies in children and their management, dental materials used in pediatric dentistry, preventive dentistry, dental health education &school dental health program, fluorides, case history recording, setting up of pedodontics clinic.
17. Public Health Dentistry:
Introduction to Dentistry: Definition of Dentistry, History of dentistry. Scope, aims, and objectives of Dentistry, Public Health, Dental Public Health, Research Methodology, and Dental Statistics.
18. Periodontology:
Introduction: Definition of Periodontology, Periodontics, Periodontia, Brief historical background, Scope of Periodontics, Development of periodontal tissues, micro-structural anatomy, and biology of periodontal tissues in detail Gingiva. Junctional epithelium in detail, Epithelial-Mesenchymal interaction, Periodontal ligament, Cementum, Alveolar bone, Defensive mechanisms in the oral cavity: Role of epithelium, Gingival fluid, Saliva and other defensive mechanisms in the oral environment, Age changes in Age changes in teeth and periodontal structures and their periodontal structures association with periodontal
diseases and their significance Geriatric dentistry Classification of periodontal diseases, Gingival diseases Epidemiology of periodontal diseases, Extension of inflammation from the gingiva, Pocket, Etiology, Risk factors Definition. Risk factors for periodontal diseases, Host response, Periodontitis, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment, Periodontal therapy, Pocket eradication procedures, Osseous Surgery, Mucogingival Surgery & periodontal plastic surgeries, Splints, Hypersensitivity, Implants, Maintenance phase, Pharmaco-therapy, Periodontal management of medically compromised patients, Inter-disciplinary care, Systemic effects of periodontal diseases, in brief, Infection control protocol.
19. Prosthetics and Crown and Bridge
Complete Dentures: Introduction & scope, Applied anatomy, Examination, diagnosis treatment planning, and residuary prognosis, Principles of retentions & stability, Principles and techniques of impression making, Preparation of casts, trays, and temporary denture-
bases, Jaw-relations, and methods of registration, Artificial teeth their selection and arrangements and esthetics, Articulators and face bows, Occlusion and articulation in the complete denture, Trying in of complete dentures, Processing and finishing of dentures, Correction of occlusal discrepancies, Delivery and adjustments of complete dentures, Sequelae of ill-fitting dentures, Repair, rebasing and relining, Immediate dentures, Implant dentures.
Removable Partial Dentures: Introduction and Scope, Classification, Examination, diagnosis and treatment planning, Components of removable partial dentures & their function, Surveyors, Mouth preparations for partial dentures, Impression procedures, Designs of removable partial dentures & its associated problems, Fabrication of cast metal framework, Jaw relation record, Selection and arrangement of teeth, Acrylic partial denture, trying in of partial dentures, Processing, finishing, delivery and maintenance of partial dentures, Immediate partial dentures.
Elements of Crown and Bridge Prosthesis: Introduction Definitions, Indication and contra-indications, Examination, diagnosis & treatment planning, Selection and choice of abutment teeth, Principles of tooth reduction, Indication, contraindications, and procedures of preparation of abutment teeth for receiving various types of retainers, Temporary protections of a prepared tooth, Gingival retractions and Impression procedures, Construction of days and working models, direct and indirect technique, Technique of fabrication of retainers, Selection & Fabrication of pontics, Connectors stress-breakers and assembly of fixed bridges, Finishing commenting and maintenance of crowns and bridges.
20. Aesthetic Dentistry:
Introduction and scope of aesthetic dentistry, Anatomy & physiology of smile, Role of the color in esthetic dentistry, Simple procedures (rounding of central incisors to enhance esthetic appearance), Bleaching of teeth, Veneers with various materials, Preventive and interceptive aesthetics, Ceramics, Simple gingival contouring to enhance the appearance, Simple clinical procedures for BDS students.
21. Forensic Odontology:
Introduction to forensic dentistry, Overview of forensic medicine and toxicology, Dental identification, Maintaining dental records, Age estimation, Sex differentiation, Ethnic variations (‘racial’ differences) in tooth morphology, Bite mark procedures, Dental DNA methods.
22. Oral Implantology:
History of implants, their design & surface characteristics, and osseointegration. Scope of oral & maxillofacial implantology& terminologies. A brief introduction to various implant systems in practice. Bone biology, Morphology, Classification of bone and its relevance to implant treatment and bone augmentation materials. Soft tissue considerations in implant
dentistry. Diagnosis & treatment planning in implant dentistry. Pre-surgical preparation of the patient. Implant installation & armamentarium for the Branemark system as a role model. First stage surgery-Mandible Maxilla. Healing period & second-stage surgery. Management of surgical complications & failures. General considerations in prosthodontic reconstruction & Biomechanics. Prosthodontic components of the Branemark system as a role model. Impression procedures & Preparation of the master cast. Jaw relation records and construction of superstructure with special emphasis on occlusion for an osseointegrated prosthesis. Management of prosthodontic complications & failures. Recall & maintenance phase.
23. Current Trends and recent advancements in the field of Dental Surgery