GPSC Medical Officer Class 2 Syllabus 2021 | Check Details Here: Have you all waiting for GPSC Medical Officer Class 2 Syllabus 2021? If Yes, Then here you can download the Exam pattern as well as the Syllabus PDF. The officials of GPSC have released the syllabus and Exam Pattern for the post of Medical Officer, Insurance Medical Officer (Allopathy), Tutor, Municipal Health Officer Class-2. The date of the written examination will be intimated soon at the official website – To help the aspirants, We have inserted the direct download link below. Candidates kindly go through the official website for further more details.

GPSC Medical Officer Class-2 Exam Syllabus 2021 – Overview
Check GPSC Medical Officer, Class-2 Syllabus 2021 Details | |
Board Name | Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) |
Post Name | Medical Health and Service, Class-2 |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Official website | |
GPSC Medical Officer Class-2 Exam Pattern 2021
Sr. No | Name of the Paper | Nature Of Exam | Time | Total Allotted Marks |
1 | Medical Science-I | Objective | 02 Hours | 200 |
2 | Medical Science-II | 02 Hours | 200 | |
Total Marks in Written Examination | 400 | |||
Personality Test (Only for the Candidates who are declared qualified in Written Examination) | 100 | |||
Total Marks to be considered for Final Selection | 500 |
GPSC Medical Officer, Class-2 Syllabus 2021
GPSC Medical Health and Service, Class-2 Exam Pattern & Syllabus is given below go, through the topics, to have an idea of the difficult subjects. Then candidates can plan a schedule for their preparation as per the syllabus. Here is the Exam Pattern & Syllabus for GPSC. Candidates can Download the Syllabus & Exam Pattern from our Website.
Medical Science-I
Anatomical Terminology, Gross Anatomy of the Hip joint, shoulder joint, Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Kidneys, Uterus, Ovaries, Coronary Circulation, Thyroid, Pancreas, Gross Anatomy of carotid – vertebral system. Gross anatomy of Thalamus and internal capsule.
Physiology And Biochemistry
Neurophysiology of sensory receptors, reticular formation, cerebellum, and Basal Ganglia. Regulation of function of male and female gonads, including the physiology of lactation and menstruation. Mechanical and electrical properties of the heart, ECG, Cardiac cycle. Regulation of cardiovascular function, Regulation of respiration. Absorption, Digestion, Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Renal Function Tests. Urine Examination, stool examination.
Pathology And Microbiology
Principles of Inflammation. Principles of Carcinogenesis and Tumor spread. Markers in infective Hepatitis. Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis. Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Immune system. Lifecycle and laboratory diagnosis Entamoeba, malaria. Culture media-types and uses. Immunity and immunology.
Forensic Medicine
Forensic Examination of Injuries and Wounds. Postmortem Examination of Homicidal Case.
Medical Science-II
Surgery (Including Ent, Ophthalmology, Traumatology & Orthopaedics):
General Surgery: Wounds, Infections, Tumors, Lymphatic, Blood vessels, Cysts/sinuses, Head and Neck, Breast, Alimentary tract, Liver, Bile, Pancreas, Spleen, Peritoneum, Abdominal wall, Abdominal injuries; Urological Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T., Thoracic surgery, Orthopedic surgery, Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Traumatology, Diagnosis and management of common surgical ailments, Pre-operative and post-operative care of surgical patients, Medicolegal and ethical issues of surgery, Wound healing, Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery, Shock pathophysiology and management.
Gynaecology & Obstetrics:
Obstetrics: Ante-natal conditions, Intra-natal conditions, Postnatal conditions, Management of normal labors or complicated labor
Gynecology: applied anatomy, applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization, infections in the genital tract, neoplasm in the genital tract, displacement of the uterus, Normal delivery and safe delivery practices, High-risk pregnancy and management, Abortions, Intra-Uterine growth retardation, Medicolegal examination in body and Gynae including Rape.
Family Planning: Conventional contraceptives, U.D. and oral pills, Operative procedure, sterilization and organization of Programmes in the urban and rural surroundings, Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
PREVENTIVE SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY MEDICINE: Social and Community Medicine, Concept of Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine, Health Administration and Planning, General Epidemiology, Demography and Health Statistics, Communicable Diseases, Environmental Health, Nutrition and Health, Noncommunicable diseases, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, International Health, Medical Sociology, and Health Education, Maternal and Child Health, National Health Programmes, common health problems, maternal and child wellness, community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.
CLINICAL FEATURES, CAUSES, DIAGNOSIS, AND PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: Cervical Lymph node, Parotid Tumor, Oral Cancer, Cleft palate, Hare Lip Peripheral Vascular diseases, Varicose Vein, Filariasis, Pul. Embolism. Dysfunction of Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary tumors. Cancer Breast / Benign Breast conditions. Acute & Chronic appendicitis, Bleeding Peptic Ulcer, Tuberculosis of Bowel, Intestinal Obstruction. Renal Mass, Acute retention of urine, benign prostate hypertrophy. SplenomegalySurgical Management, Chr. Cholecystitis, Liver abscess, (parasitic & inflammatory, Peritonitis, Ca. head pancreas). Direct & indirect inguinal Hernia & their complications, Etiology, and Management of Burns.
HEALTH SCENARIO OF GUJARAT STATE: Health statistics of Gujarat, Disease profile of Gujarat, Health monitoring including E-monitoring structure of Gujarat, Medical and Para Medical education in Gujarat, Occupational disease in Gujarat, Epidemic and endemic disease of Gujarat state, Health-related institutions in Gujarat, Various Health programs, National Health Mission, National Rural Health Mission, National Urban Health Mission, WHO Role & Monitoring in various health programs, IEC activities of health, Communalization
activities like ASHA(Accredited Social Health Activist), Rogi Kalyan Samiti, Village Health and Sanitation committee, etc.
Current Trends And Recent Advancements In The Field Of Medical Science And Government Health Programmes.
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