Himachal Pradesh Board Compartment Exam Date 2023 (Out): The Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (HPBOSE) has recently unveiled the examination dates for the Class 8, Class 10, and Class 12 compartment, improvement, and additional subjects exams for the year 2023. These exams hold significant importance for students aiming to enhance their academic performance. The HPBOSE has meticulously outlined the schedule to ensure the smooth conduct of exams, accommodating both regular and state-open school students.

Himachal Pradesh Compartment Exam Schedule 2023
The HPBOSE has scheduled the Class 8, 10, and 12 compartment, improvement, and additional subjects exams to commence from September 4, 2023. It’s noteworthy that while the Class 8 exams are solely intended for state-open school students, the Class 10 and 12 exams will be conducted for both regular and state-open school students.
According to the HPBOSE 2023 exam timetable, the Class 8 and 10 board exams will be held from September 4 to September 13, while the Class 12 compartment exams are scheduled between September 4 and September 22. All exams will be conducted at designated centers across Himachal Pradesh.
Exam Timings:
For regular students, the Class 10 and 12 exams will be held in the morning session, from 8:45 am to 12:00 noon. In contrast, open-school students will take their exams in the afternoon session, between 1:45 pm and 5:00 pm. This arrangement aims to provide convenience and equal opportunities to all students.
hpbose.org Date Sheets 2023
Students appearing for the HPBOSE Class 10 and Class 12 exams, as well as those taking the Class 9 and Class 11 compartment, improvement, and additional subjects exams, can easily access the detailed data sheets on the official HPBOSE website: hpbose.org. The website is a comprehensive resource for students to obtain essential information regarding the exams.
Steps to Download HPBOSE Compartment Date 2023 Online
To download the HPBOSE 2023 Compartment, Improvement Datesheet, follow these simple steps:
- Go to the official website of Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (HPBOSE) – hpbose.org.
- Navigate to the “Date Sheet” section on the website’s homepage.
- Select the appropriate option for your exam, whether it’s Class 10, Class 12, or other relevant exams.
- Click on the provided link to download the detailed date sheet for your chosen exam.
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