HPSC Mining Officer Exam Date 2023 (Announced): The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has recently made a significant announcement for candidates eagerly awaiting the HPSC Mining Officer Exam Date 2023. This announcement holds importance for individuals aspiring to secure positions as Mining Officers (Group-B) in the Mines & Geology Department, as well as Assistant Mining Engineers (Group-B) in Haryana. With various vacancies available, this recruitment drive has garnered considerable attention. This article provides essential information about the HPSC Mining Officer Exam Date, the admit card release date, and steps to check the exam schedule.

HPSC Mining Officer Exam Date 2023
The HPSC Mining Officer Exam 2023 is scheduled to take place on the 20th of August 2023. This date serves as a significant milestone for candidates aspiring to contribute to the Mines & Geology Department in Haryana. The examination is set to take place from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Candidates are advised to mark their calendars and make the necessary preparations accordingly.
Admit Card Release Date and Mode
The admit cards for the HPSC Mining Officer Exam 2023 will be released on the 13th of August 2023. As the entire process is conducted online, candidates can access their admit cards through the official website of HPSC: hpsc.gov.in. The admit card is a crucial document, serving as a gateway to the examination hall. It contains essential information such as exam center details, exam timings, and personal identification information.
hpsc.gov.in Mining Officer Exam Schedule 2023
Here’s a breakdown of the exam schedule for the respective posts and departments:
- Mining Officer (Group-B) in Mines & Geology Department, Haryana:
- Advertisement Number: 08/2023
- Exam Date: 20.08.2023
- Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
2. Assistant Mining Engineer (Group-B) in Mines & Geology Department, Haryana:
- Advertisement Number: 09/2023
How to Check Haryana Mining Officer Exam Date 2023?
Candidates can follow these steps to check the Haryana Mining Officer Exam Date 2023:
- Visit the official website of Haryana Public Service Commission: hpsc.gov.in
- Look for the “Examinations” or “Recruitment” section on the homepage and click on it.
- Find the link related to the Mining Officer Exam Date 2023 and click on it.
- The exam date and schedule details will be displayed on the screen.
- Make note of the exam date and time for your respective post.
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