HPSSSB Staff Nurse Result 2020 (Out) | Conductor, Steno Typist Selection List @ hpsssb.hp.gov.in: Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Board (HPSSSB) has successfully conducted the Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Laboratory Technician Gr-II, Perfusionist, Laboratory Assistant and others Examination on 20th September to 8th November 2020. Now, the officials have released the HPSSSB Staff Nurse Result 2020, Cut off marks and Merit list in the official website. The aspirants can check and download the HP Staff Nurse result 2020 in the official website or throw direct link given below.

HPSSSB Result 2020 Details
Organization | Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Board (HPSSSB) |
Post name | Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Laboratory Technician Gr-II, Perfusionist, Laboratory Assistant, Computer Operator, Electrician, Steno-Typist, Store-Keepers, Marketing Assistant, Supervisor, Junior Auditor, Auditor, Technician, Computer Programmer, Conductor, Clerk, Stenographer, Junior Engineer, Field Assistant, Accounts Clerk, and Other Posts |
Vacancies | 1099 |
Category | Result |
Advt. No. | 35 -3/ 2019 |
Job Location | Himachal Pradesh |
Official Website | hpsssb.hp.gov.in |
Result | Released |
hpsssb.hp.gov.in Junior Auditor, Auditor, Technician Exam Result 2020
The candidates who had attended the Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant and others Examination can check the HPSSSB Laboratory Assistant, Computer Operator Result 2020 from the direct link given on our page. Besides, the Himachal PradeshSteno Typist, Store Keeper Exam Result 2020 on the official website.
HPSSSB Electrician, Steno-Typist, Store-Keepers Cut Off Marks 2020
The Organaization Board members are responsible to release the HP Computer Programmer, Conductor, Clerk, Stenographer Expected Cut Off Marks 2020. Applicants who are attended the exam must check the minimum qualifying marks. The authority gives the based on the cut off marks crossed by the candidates. Mostly the cut off marks will be given by officials based on different categories. So applicants check according to the category wise cut off marks. The authority releases the HPSSSB Result 2020 cut off marks 2020. Visit the official site of hpsssb.hp.gov.in for more information on cut off marks.
HPSSSB Merit List 2020 @ hpsssb.hp.gov.in
Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Board (HPSSSB) has released the Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Laboratory Technician Gr-II, Perfusionist, Laboratory Assistant, Computer Operator Merit List 2020. The aspirnts want to complete details about the names and Roll Numbers who had scored the highest marks in the written examination. Hence, we suggest the candidates check the Himachal Pradesh SSSC Merit List on its official website or given this page.
How to Download HPSSSB Result 2020?
- Go to the official portal @ hpsssb.hp.gov.in.
- The home page of the Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Board (HPSSSB) will be displayed on the screen.
- On landing the home page, candidates can find the Himachal Pradesh SSSB Result 2020 – Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant and Other Posts
- Click on the link and it will be directed to another page.
- Now, check the HPSSSB Result and download it.
- Also, take a hard copy of the results for future use.
hpsssb.hp.gov.in Clerk, Stenographer, Junior Engineer Result Download
Who Candidates attended the Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Laboratory Technician Gr-II, Perfusionist, Laboratory Assistant, Computer Operator, Electrician, Steno-Typist, Store-Keepers, Marketing Assistant, Supervisor, Junior Auditor, Auditor, Technician, Computer Programmer, Conductor, Clerk, Stenographer, Junior Engineer, Field Assistant, Accounts Clerk, and Other Posts examination can check given below the link
Check HPSSSB Result 2020 Click Here (Updated)
Candidates keep in touch with TAMILANJOBS website for more information regarding Jobs, Exams, results and other details.