HSSC TGT Syllabus 2021 | Download Exam Pattern @hssc.gov.in: Haryana Staff Selection Commission has released the syllabus for Naib Tehsildar, TGT, Work Supervisor, Election Kanungo, Carpenter, Plumber, Surveyor, Painter, Mason, Electrician, Machine Tool Operator, Storekeeper, Inspector, Section Officer, Junior Mechanic, Accounts Clerk, Store Keeper, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist, and Other Posts. A lot of candidates have applied for this HSSC TGT Recruitment 2021. Candidates who have applied for this recruitment can able to download the HSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2021 from this article.
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2021 – Overview

Download HSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2021 | |
Organization | Haryana Staff Selection Commission |
Post Name | Naib Tehsildar, TGT, Work Supervisor, Election Kanungo, Carpenter, Plumber, Surveyor, Painter, Mason, Electrician, Machine Tool Operator, Storekeeper, Inspector, Section Officer, Junior Mechanic, Accounts Clerk, Store Keeper, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist and Other |
Category | Syllabus |
Location | Haryana |
Status | Released |
Official website | hssc.gov.in |
HSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2021
i) The selection scheme for the postings shall consist of a total of 100 points, as detailed below:
Subject Name | Marks |
Written Test | 90 |
Socio-Economic criteria and experience | 10 |
Total | 100 Marks |
ii) The 90 marks of written examination shall be divided into to parts comprising:-
- 75% weightage for General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and concerned or relevant subject, as applicable.
- 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. of Haryana.
(iii) The 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience shall be allocated as follows:
if neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant’s family viz father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a regular employee in any Department/Board/ Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India. (5 marks)
If the applicant is:-
- A widow; or
- The first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years: or
- the first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant
had attained the age of 15 years,”. (5 marks)
c. If the applicant belongs to such a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class. (5 marks)
One-half (=0.5) mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six months of experience, out of a maximum of sixteen years, on the same or a higher post in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/ Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana. No marks shall be awarded for any period less than six months. (A maximum of 8 marks)
Note:- No applicant shall be given more than 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience under any circumstances.