IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2023 (Released): The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has announced the release of the IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2023 for the recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees. In this article, we will provide essential information regarding the IBPS PO Prelims Exam Date 2023 and a step-by-step guide on how to download the IBPS Probationary Officer Call Letter 2023 from the official website.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Date 2023
The IBPS PO Prelims Exam for the year 2023 is scheduled to be conducted on the following dates: 23rd September, 30th September, and 1st October 2023. Candidates aspiring to join the banking sector should mark these dates on their calendars and make necessary preparations to excel in the examination.
IBPS Probationary Officer Call Letter 2023
The IBPS Probationary Officer Call Letter 2023 has been released alongside the IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2023. This call letter is a crucial document that contains essential details about the examination, including the date, time, and venue of the preliminary exam. Candidates must download and carry this call letter to the examination center to gain entry and participate in the examination.
How to Check ibps.in PO Prelims Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
To download your IBPS PO Prelims Hall Ticket 2023 online, follow these straightforward steps:
- Visit the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) at ibps.in.
- Look for the “Admit Card” or “Hall Ticket” section on the homepage and click on it.
- You will be directed to a new page where you need to select the “IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2023” link.
- Enter the required details, such as your Registration Number and Date of Birth.
- After entering the information correctly, click on the “Submit” or “Download” button.
- Your IBPS Probationary Officer Call Letter 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
- Carefully review all the details mentioned on the call letter, including your name, exam date, and examination center.
- Download the call letter and take a printout for your preliminary exam.
Download IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2023 << Available Now >>