JEE Main 2023 April 6 Shift 1 Exam Analysis: The JEE Main 2023 second round for Btech and BE aspirants started on April 6 with the first shift held from 9 am to 12 noon. The paper consisted of three sections – physics, maths, and chemistry – each carrying 100 marks, making a total of 300 marks. The physics section was reported to be easy and quite similar to the physics section of the January session.
The questions in this section were mostly formula-based and conceptual, with only a few tricky ones. The maths section was moderately difficult and required a good understanding of the concepts and formulas. Finally, the chemistry section was easy to moderate, with most of the questions being straightforward and formula-based. Overall, the paper’s difficulty level was moderate, and students who had prepared well should have found it manageable.

JEE Main 2023: Analysis of BTech Maths Shift 1
The maths paper of JEE Main 2023 April 6 shift 1 exam was of moderate level. Questions were asked from all chapters, emphasizing chapters on Algebra and Calculus. Some of the topics covered in the exam were:
- Matrices
- Determinants
- 3D Geometry
- Vectors
- Progressions
- Permutation and Combination
- Probability
- Binomial Theorem
- Complex Numbers
- Differentiation
- Definite Integrals
- Area under Curves
- Parabola and Circle
The numerical section had lengthy calculations, and a few questions in MCQs were reported as tricky and lengthy.
JEE Main 2023: Shift 1 Physics Paper Analysis
The physics paper for JEE Main 2023 April 6 shift 1 exam was of easy level. Questions were asked on various topics, such as Laws of Motion, Rotational Motion, Work, Power and Energy, Simple Harmonic Motion, Error Analysis, Capacitance, Magnetism, Semi-Conductors, Current Electricity, Communication Systems, Modern Physics, Centre of Mass, and Electrostatics. Numerical-based questions were easy, and overall, the students felt this section was balanced and easy.
JEE Main 2023 – Shift 1 Morning Session Chemistry Paper Analysis
The chemistry paper for JEE Main 2023 April 6 shift 1 exam was of easy to moderate level. Organic and inorganic chemistry had questions directly from NCERT books. Less weightage was given to physical chemistry, and that too in the numerical section. Some of the topics covered in the exam were:
- Electrochemistry
- Ionic Equilibrium
- Chemical Kinetics
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Atomic Structure
- Aldehydes and Ketones
- Amines
- Alcohols
- Phenols
- Biomolecules
- General Organic Chemistry
- Co-ordination Compounds
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Group-18
JEE Main 2023 April 6 Shift 1 Exam Analysis – Click Here
Note: Overall, the JEE Main 2023 April 6 shift 1 exam was balanced, and the difficulty level of the papers was as expected. The physics paper was easy, the maths paper was moderate, and the chemistry paper was easy to moderate. Students who had prepared well and had a good understanding of the concepts could attempt the exam with ease.