Jharkhand High Court PA Admit Card 2023 (Out): The High Court of Jharkhand has officially released the admit card for the Personal Assistant (PA) recruitment examination for the year 2023. This announcement has brought excitement and anticipation among the applicants who aspire to secure the prestigious position of Personal Assistant in the Jharkhand High Court. In this article, we will provide you with detailed information on the exam date, call letter, and the steps to download your admit card online.

Jharkhand HC Personal Assistant Exam Date 2023
For aspirants eagerly awaiting their Jharkhand High Court PA Skill Test, the dates have been officially confirmed. The skill test is scheduled to take place from the 18th of September 2023 to the 24th of September 2023. This examination is a crucial part of the selection process and assesses candidates’ stenography and typing skills. Applicants are advised to prepare diligently to excel in this test and secure their place as Personal Assistants in the Jharkhand High Court.
jharkhandhighcourt.nic.in Call Letter 2023
The release of the admit card, also known as the call letter, is a significant milestone in the recruitment process. The call letter contains essential information such as the candidate’s exam date, time, venue, and important instructions. To download your call letter for the Jharkhand High Court PA Skill Test 2023, you should visit the official website.
How to Check Jharkhand High Court PA Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
Accessing your Jharkhand High Court PA Hall Ticket 2023 online is a simple process. Follow these steps to download your call letter:
- Start by visiting the official website of the Jharkhand High Court: jharkhandhighcourt.nic.in.
- Look for a dedicated section related to “Admit Card” or “Call Letter” on the website’s homepage. It is typically prominently displayed.
- Once you’re in the Admit Card section, find the link related to the “Personal Assistant Recruitment” or similar. Click on it.
- You will be prompted to enter essential details like your registration number, date of birth, or any other information as required.
- After providing the necessary information, your call letter will be displayed on the screen. Download it and take a printout for your convenience.
Download Jharkhand High Court PA Admit Card 2023 << Available Now >>