JIPMER Group B, C Syllabus 2022 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) has released the Nursing Officer, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Junior Engineer, Technical Assistant, Dental Mechanic, Anaesthesia Technician, Stenographer Grade-II, Junior Administrative Assistant posts syllabus, and exam pattern. Many candidates have applied for this exam now waiting for the JIPMER Group B, C Syllabus 2022. Here we have given detailed information about JIPMER Group B, C Exam Pattern 2022. So read this article completely and get the full information.
JIPMER Group B & C Syllabus 2022 – Overview

Check and download JIPMER Group B & C Syllabus 2022 | |
Organization | Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) |
Exam Name | Nursing Officer, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Junior Engineer, Technical Assistant, Dental Mechanic, Anaesthesia Technician, Stenographer Grade-II, Junior Administrative Assistant |
Category | Syllabus |
Recruitment | Click Here |
Syllabus | Released |
Job Location | Puducherry |
Official website | jipmer.edu.in |
JIPMER Group B, C Exam Pattern 2022
Post Name | CBT Subjects | Number of Questions and Marks | Time Duration |
Nursing Officer | 1. Related subject concerned – 70% 2. General areas like General Knowledge, General Intelligence, General English and General Mathematics – 30 % |
100 MCQs ‟s with each question carrying 4 marks. | 90 Minutes (1 ½ hour) |
Medical Laboratory Technologist | |||
Junior Engineer (Civil) | |||
Junior Engineer (Electrical) | |||
Technical Assistant in NTTC | |||
Dental Mechanic | |||
Anaesthesia Technician | |||
Stenographer Grade-II | 1. General Intelligence & Reasoning- 25% 2. Numerical Aptitude – 25% 3. General English – 25% 4. General Awareness & Current Affairs-25% |
Junior Administrative Assistant | |||
Time Duration: 90 Minutes |
Scheme of Examination for Skill Test (Qualifying Nature):
The skill assessment test for posts mentioned below is of qualifying in nature.
1. Nursing Officer
The skill assessment test for above post is qualifying nature. 04 to 08 stations will be created to evaluate the skill based performance of the candidate on various procedures / instruments.
2. Medical Laboratory Technologist
04 to 08 stations will be created to evaluate the skill based performance of the candidate on various procedures / instruments.
3. Stenographer Gr-II
The candidates will be given dictation for 10 minutes in English at the speed of 80 w.p.m. The matter will have to be transcribed on computer in 50 minutes duration
4. Junior Administrative Assistant
Computer based skill test:
Part A:
Typing a letter / passage / paragraph – 25 Marks.
Typing proficiency with a typing speed of 35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi only on Computer (35 w.p.m and 30 w.p.m correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word).
Part B:
Preparation of Table/Database in MS Excel – 25 Marks.
The total marks of the Computer skill test shall be 50 (fifty) with duration of 20 minutes (10 minutes each) for completing all the two parts. The candidates shall be given the text/matter in the Question Paper, which they have to type/reproduce in the Answer sheet including formatting of text and use of formulae etc. as per instruction given in the Question paper.
The Qualifying Marks in Computer skill test will be 25 marks out of Total 50 Marks of which minimum 50% of marks out of 25 should be obtained in Part A and Part B separately.
Syllabus for JIPMER Group B & C Posts
General Knowledge
- Important Days
- Indian Economy
- Indian History
- Sports
- Books and Authors
- Awards and Honors
- Abbreviations
- Capitals of India
- Science and Technology
- Budget and Five Year Plans
- Countries and Capitals
- International and National Organizations
- Indian National Movement
- Current Affairs – National and International
- General Policy
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries
General Intelligence
- Number Ranking
- Figurative Classification
- Classification
- Blood Relations
- Arrangements
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Mathematical Operations
- Venn diagrams
- Number Series
- Figural Pattern
- Cubes and Dice
- Analogies
- Non-Verbal Series
- Coding-Decoding
- Logical Venn Diagrams
- Directions
- Number, Ranking & Time Sequence
General English
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence Improvement
- Synonyms
- Sentence Arrangement
- Substitution
- Prepositions
- Antonyms
- Fill in the blanks
- Passage Completion
- Spotting Errors
- Substitution
- Sentence
- Active and Passive Voice
- Completion
- Spelling Test
- Error Correction (Underlined Part)
- Transformation
- Para Completion
- Joining Sentences
- Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
General Mathematics
- Whole Numbers
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
- Percents
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Statistics
- Signed Numbers
- Introduction to Algebra
- Mirror Images
- Grouping Identical Figures
- Figure Matrix Questions
- Problem on Age Calculation
- Decision Making
- Inference
- Analogy
- NonVerbal Series
- Test of Direction Sense
- Number Series
- Alphabet Series
- Arguments
- Ven Diagram
- Blood Relations
- Coding and Decoding
- Number Ranking
Numerical Aptitude
- Numerical problems
- Percentages
- Market price, Cash price
- Expenditure problems
- Time & Work, Speed & Distance problems
- Fraction, Ratios, Average & Volume
- Factoring
- Mensuration formulas
- Simple interest & Compound interest
General Awareness
- Indian Culture & Heritage
- Current Events – National & International
- Indian Polity
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Geography
- IT & Space etc
Current Affairs
- Economy
- Banking
- Awards
- Sports
- Current Events
- Logical Ability
- Non-Verbal Series
- Blood Relations
- Mirror Images
- International Affairs
- Directions
- Clocks & Calendars
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Embedded Figures
- Coding-Decoding
- Analogy
Download JIPMER Group B, C Exam Pattern PDF (Available Now)