JKPSC CCE Exam Date 2023 (Announced): The Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has brought forth the eagerly anticipated announcement of the exam date for the JKPSC Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) 2023. The reveal of the exam date has set the stage for candidates who have been waiting with anticipation. This article offers a comprehensive breakdown of the exam date, the upcoming availability of admit cards, and the step-by-step process to access this crucial information.

JK CCE 2023 Confirmed Time Table
The JKPSC has officially disclosed the scheduled date for the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam 2023. Mark your calendars for October 15, 2023, as it’s the day when this significant examination will take place.
jkpsc.nic.in Exam Schedule 2023
On the scheduled day, October 15, 2023, the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam will occur in two distinct sessions:
- Morning Session: From 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Afternoon Session: From 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
How to Check JKPSC Exam Date 2023 Online?
For candidates eager to confirm the JKPSC CCE Exam Date 2023, here is a step-by-step guide to follow:
- Visit the official JKPSC website.
- Look for the relevant announcement section.
- Locate and click on the “JKPSC CCE 2023 Exam Date” link.
- Access the article containing the exam date and related details.
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