JKPSC Civil Judge Prelims Admit Card 2023 (Released): The Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has officially released the admit cards for the Civil Judge (Junior Division) Preliminary Examination 2023. This announcement is of great significance to candidates who are preparing to appear for the examination. The JKPSC Civil Judge Prelims Admit Card 2023 is now accessible for download on the official website, jkpsc.nic.in. In this article, we will provide essential information about the JK Civil Judge Prelims Exam Date 2023, details included in the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Judge Call Letter 2023, and a step-by-step guide on how to access the hall ticket online.

JK Civil Judge Prelims Exam Date 2023
The Preliminary Examination for the Recruitment of Civil Judge (Junior Division) by JKPSC is scheduled to be held on October 8, 2023. Candidates are advised to mark this date on their calendars and gear up for the examination. This preliminary exam is a crucial step in the selection process for candidates aspiring to serve as Civil Judges in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
Jammu & Kashmir Civil Judge Call Letter 2023 Details
The Jammu & Kashmir Civil Judge Call Letter 2023 is a critical document that contains essential information about the examination and the candidate’s candidature. The details usually included in the admit card are as follows:
- Candidate’s Name
- Roll Number
- Examination Date
- Examination Time
- Exam Venue and Address
- Instructions and Guidelines for the Exam
Candidates should carefully review all the information presented on the admit card to ensure accuracy. In case of any discrepancies or concerns, candidates should promptly contact the Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission for resolution.
How to Check jkpsc.nic.in Civil Judge Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
Accessing and downloading your jkpsc.nic.in Civil Judge Hall Ticket 2023 is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to assist you:
- Visit the official website of the Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) at jkpsc.nic.in.
- On the homepage, navigate to the “Examinations/Recruitment” or “Admit Card” section.
- Look for the link related to the “JKPSC Civil Judge Prelims Admit Card 2023” and click on it.
- You will be redirected to a login page where you need to enter your registration details, such as your registration number and password.
- After entering the required information, click on the “Submit” or “Download” button.
- Your Civil Judge Prelims Admit Card for 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
- Carefully review all the details mentioned on the admit card for accuracy. If everything is correct, click on the “Download” button to save a digital copy.
- It is advisable to take a printout of the admit card to carry with you on the examination day.
Download JKPSC Civil Judge Prelims Admit Card 2023 << Available Now >>