JNUEE Exam Syllabus 2022 PDF | Download @ jnuexams.nta.nic.in: Are you want to be qualified for JNUEE Exam 2022? Then start preparing for the exams from here. The JNUEE officials have released the Syllabus and exam pattern for the Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Exam (JNUEE). By reading this article one gets a clear idea of preparing for the examination. Applicants who want to prepare for the exam kindly download the syllabus and exam pattern from the below link or through the official website – https://www.jnuexams.nta.nic.in/.
JNUEE Exam Syllabus 2022 – Full Details

Download JNUEE Exam Syllabus 2022 & Exam Pattern Details | |
Organization Name | Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) |
Post Name | Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Exam (JNUEE) |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Job Location | All Over India |
Official website | jnuexams.nta.nic.in |
JNUEE Exam Pattern 2022
- Exam Type – Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Languages – Various
JNUEE Syllabus 2022
Master of Arts:
Sl. No | Name of
Centre |
Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number | Syllabus for Entrance Examination |
1 | School of
International Studies |
Politics (with
specialization in International Studies) – PISM (201) |
Five disciplines are covered in the test – Sociology, Political Science, International Relations, History, and Economics. There is sufficient choice in questions for applicants from each discipline to be able to attempt the required number of questions. The BA syllabi of these disciplines generally found in most Indian universities are kept in mind while setting questions. |
2 | International
Relations and Area Studies – IRAM (234) |
Five disciplines are covered in the test – Sociology, Political Science, International Relations, History, and Economics. There is sufficient choice in questions for applicants from each discipline to be able to attempt the required number of questions. The BA syllabi of these disciplines generally found in most Indian universities are kept in mind while setting questions. The emphasis will be on Area Studies in International Relations. |
3 | Economics (with
specialization in World Economy) – EILM (202) |
The entrance examination will contain multiple-choice questions and the syllabus will
include Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics, Statistics, International Trade and Development Economics taught at the Bachelor’s level. |
M.Phil & Ph.D:
No. |
Name of
Centre |
Sub. Code & Sub.
Code Number |
Syllabus for Entrance Examination |
1 | Centre for
Canadian, US and Latin American Studies (CCUS&LAS) |
Canadian Studies – CANP (101) & CANH (826) | Section I
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Social science research vs. natural science research 2. Inter-disciplinary research 3. Variables in research 4. Types of research: descriptive; empirical; analytical; historical and doctrinal 5. Questionnaires and interviews; participant and non-participant observation 6. Survey research 7. Content analysis 8. Case study research 9. Managing and reviewing literature for research 10. Research proposal, research questions, and hypothesis formulation 11. Primary and secondary sources; use of libraries and archives Research ethics/ ethical practices in research Section II US Studies 1. Bill of Rights – American Constitution 2. Federalism 3. Media, political parties, and elections 4. Congress, judiciary, and judicial review |
2 | Latin American
Studies – LAMP (103) & LAMH (828) |
3 | United States
Studies – USSP (102) & USSH (827) |
5. Power and role of the US President and domestic factors in Foreign Policy.
6. US Policy towards South Asian Countries 7. US Foreign policy during Cold War (Containment Policy, Marshall Plan, Alliance Politics, Truman Doctrine) 8. Foreign Policy trends and patterns in Post-Cold War America (UN, Middle East, Europe, Asia, international institutions). 9. American ideals: liberty, equality, republicanism, individualism, democracy, faith-neutrality 10. Waves of immigration to America: old, new and newest 11. Ethnicity, race, religion, and gender in America 12. Social problems: Gun violence, racism, abortion, teenage pregnancy, homelessness, drugs, and alcoholism 13. Terrorism Latin American Studies Government and politics in Latin America: executive, legislature, judiciary Political parties and political movements Role of Labour, peasantry and middle class Domestic and foreign capital Church Military Environmental issues Indigenous communities Independence movements and ideas Social movements Latin America in world affairs Relations with the US; Asia, Africa, and Europe India and Latin America Latin American and Caribbean regionalism Contemporary political, social, and economic issues in major Latin American and Caribbean countries Canadian Studies Multiculturalism and ethnicity in Canada Immigration policies and integration Environmental issues Canada and India relations Regional Economic Integration Inter-American relations Federalism and Provincial Government Quebec and issues of regionalism Political party system and electoral politics Foreign Policy approaches and trends Canada and United Nations; Peace-keeping, peace-building, and peace- enforcement Contemporary political, social, and economic issues in Canada |
4 | Centre for
European Studies (CES) |
European Studies – EUPP (104) & EUPH (829) | The test is divided into two sections, research methodology, and area studies.
Section I – Meaning and importance of Research – Types of Research Concepts in Social Research: Data, Research Methods, Techniques, Concepts, and Indicators, Variables, Sample, Research Designs, Selection and formulation of Research The problem, Hypothesis, Research Questions; Issues in social research: Subjectivity and Objectivity, Reliability, and Validity, Section II – The syllabus will be on contemporary issues, discourses, debates and developments in politics, society, foreign policy, security and economy of European states/ European Union. |
6 | Centre for
International Legal Studies (CILS) |
Int. Legal Studies –
ILGP (105) & ILGH (830) |
The entrance examination will contain multiple-choice questions covering the subject-
specific knowledge. The syllabus will include the following themes: 1) The history, nature, and subjects of International Law; Statehood and International Legal Personality; Individuals, indigenous communities, corporations; national liberation movements, etc. 2) The sources of International Law: custom, treaties; ‘Hard Law’ and ‘Soft Law’ debate, etc. 3) Functions and processes of International Law; public order, global justice; human rights; trade and sustainable development; global public goods and the common heritage of mankind; Antarctica, Outer Space; Atmosphere and areas beyond national jurisdiction. 4) Institutions of International Law: the United Nations system; World Trade Organization; functional/sectoral international organizations; regional organizations. 5) Responsibility and Enforcement in International Law; peaceful settlement of disputes; world court and other international tribunals. 6) War and Peace in International Law: the UN Charter, International Humanitarian Law; International Criminal Law; international military tribunals; International Criminal Court.
6 | Centre for
International Trade & Development (CITD) |
Int. Trade &
Development – ITDP (106) & ITDH (831) |
The entrance examination will contain multiple-choice questions covering research
methodology and subject-specific knowledge. The syllabus will include Mathematical Economics, Statistics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Trade, Development Economics, Public Economics, and Environmental Economics taught at the Master’s level. |
7 | Centre for East
Asian Studies (CEAS) |
Chinese Studies –
CHIP (107) & CHIH (832) |
The syllabus for the examination include subjects related to broader East
Asian/Global developments; China’s Foreign, Economic, Political & Social Issues; Japan’s Foreign, Economic, Political & Social Issues; Korea’s Foreign, Economic, Political & Social Issues. Major developments in East Asia are highlighted to test the candidates capabilities in conducting research in these areas. |
Japanese – JPIP
(108) & JPIH (833) |
Korean – KOIP
(109) & KOIH (834) |
10 | Centre for
International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD) |
International Politics
– INPP (110) & INPH (835) |
(A) International Politics (INP)
1. Classical Realism 2. Non-Western Realism: Thucydides, Sun Tzu, Kautilya 3. Neorealism and the difference between Classical Realism and Neorealism 4. Variants of Neorealism: Defensive, Offensive, Neoclassical dashes of Realism 5. Liberal International Theory including Complex Interdependence, Neoliberal Institutionalism, Democratic Peace Theory, Trade, and Commercial Liberalism 6. Constructivist International Theory 7. Marxist and Gramscian International Political Theory 8. Theories of International Society, Especially the British School 9. Feminist International Theory 10. Modern Non-Western International Theory 11. Great Debates in International Theory 12. Theories of Nonalignment (B ) Political Geography (POG) 1. Nature and scope of political geography 2. Political Geography Approaches: Functional, Unified Field theory, Laws of Spatial Growth of States 3. Political Geography Concepts: Space, Place, Scale, Region, Core Areas and Capital Cities, State, Sovereignty, Nation 4. Environment, Development, and Geography 5. Geographical and Geopolitical Imaginations 6. Theories of geopolitics: traditional, critical, postmodern, feminist 7. Geo-strategy 8. Geopolitics Concepts: Territory, Border, Frontier, Boundaries, Empire 9. Issues and Concerns: Geopolitics of Resources; Geopolitics of Wars; Laws of the Sea; Cold War Geopolitics and multi-polar Geopolitics; Geopolitical hotspots; 10. Contemporary issues and concerns in Political Geography and Geopolitics 11. Research Methodology: GIS and its Applications 12. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in International Relations 13. Research Design (C) International Organization (ORG) 1. Concept, definition, and classification of international organization(s) 2. Roles, functions, and powers of international organizations 3. Theoretical approaches to an international organization 4. International organizations in world politics 5. Historical development of international organization during 19th and early 20th centuries 6. League of Nations 7. The second-generation international organizations: The United Nations and its system – establishment, activities, problems 8. Global problems (like war and peace, development, human rights, environment) with reference to the role of the United Nations 9. Reform and restructuring of the United Nations including the Security Council 10. Economic and financial organizations – the IMF, the IBRD, and the WTO 11. Regional organizations of Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas 12. India’s role in various international organizations 13. Globalization, global governance, and international organizations (D) Diplomacy and Disarmament (DAD) 1. Diplomacy: history, theory, and practice 2. Diplomacy: bilateral, multilateral, regional, and global 3. Economic and trade diplomacy 4. Negotiations: theory and practice 5. Climate change and environmental negotiations 6. Nuclear politics including arms control, non-proliferation, and disarmament 7. Theories of deterrence 8. Chemical and biological weapons 9. War: concept, theory, and evolution 10. Peace: concept and theory in mainstream and critical-theoretical perspectives 11. Revolution in military affairs 12. Conflict management and resolution 13. Security: concept, theory, and evolution 14. National security 15. Terrorism including nuclear terrorism and counter-terrorism 16. Non-traditional security including human security 17. Environmental security 18. Technology and global politics 19. Critical theory and Critical Security Studies including the Copenhagen, Paris and Aberystwyth schools of thought 20. Critical Terrorism Studies 21. Critical Military Studies (E) Research Methodology ( Common ) 1. Inductive and deductive reasoning 2. Preliminary ideas about the philosophy of science including the contribution of Karl Popper 3. Positivism and post-positivism: basic ideas 4. Qualitative method: characteristics and application 5. Case study research: single case study and multiple case studies 6. Comparative study 7. Content analysis 8. Sources in research: primary and secondary 9. Archival research: major archives for international research in India 10. Quantitative method: characteristics and application 11. Statistics: descriptive and inferential statistics 12. Sampling: concept, logic, and types 13. Correlation and causation 14. Measures of central tendency 15. Measures of variation or dispersion 16. Observation including participant and non-participant observation 17. Ethnography 18. Interview 19. Basic ideas about mixed methods 20. Research ethics including plagiarism |
11 | InternationalOrganisation –
ORGP (111) & ORGH (837) |
12 | Diplomacy andDisarmament –
DADP (112) & DADH (838) |
13 | Political Geography– POGP (113) &
POGH (836) |
14 | Centre for
Russian and Central Asian Studies (CR&CAS) |
Russian & Central
Asian Studies – RCAP (114) & RCAH (839) |
The syllabus will broadly cover an overview of the History, Politics,
Economic and Sociology of the fifteen courtiers comprising the former The Soviet Union, namely the. Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The following thematic areas comprise the central focus of the syllabus: 1. Comparative Politics and Theories of International Relations 2. Research Methods in Social Sciences 3. Bolshevik Revolution, Soviet Politics, industrialization debates, collectivization, Five-year planning, Soviet Economy, Social System and Foreign Policy 4. Glasnost, Perestroika, Nationalist Movements in the late 1980s’, disintegration of USSR, end of Cold War 5. The post-Soviet Transition: Socio-political, Economic Developments, Nation and State-building Processes in the former Soviet Space 6. Globalisation, liberalization, and impact on the former Soviet States 7. India’s Relations with the post-Soviet states 8. Geopolitics, Energy Security, Foreign Policy, and Strategic Culture of the post-Soviet Space 9. Gender, Environment, Water, Migration, Human Security, Civil Society and Media in the post-Soviet Space/States 10. New Regionalism in the post-Soviet Space. |
15 | Centre forSouth Asian
Studies (CSAS) |
South Asian Studies– SASP (115) &
SASH (840) |
Questions for the Entrance Examination will be drawn from the following
areas: 1. Society and social issues in South Asia 2. Modern history of South Asia 3. Contemporary international politics 4. Politics and political system in South Asian countries. 5. Foreign, security, and economic policies of the South Asian States. 6. Economic growth and development of South Asian countries. 7. Environmental issues in South Asia 8. Regional cooperation and economic integration issues in South Asia. 9. Research methods in Social Sciences. |
16 | Centre for Indo-
Pacific Studies (CIPS) |
Indo-Pacific Studies
– IPSP (116) & IPSH (841) |
The Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies broadly covers the areas of Southeast
Asia and Southwest Pacific. The entrance will be based on a syllabus covering the following areas: 1) Regional History of Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific. 2) Government and Politics in the region. 3) Economic issues in the region. 4) Security issues in the region. 5) India’s relations with the region of Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific. 6) Regionalism multilateralism and institutional mechanisms. |
17 | Centre for Inner
Asian Studies (CIAS) |
Inner Asian Studies
– IASP (117) & IASH (842) |
The test will comprise both research methodology and area studies.
The following components include the syllabus: Research Methodology 1. Types of Research: descriptive; empirical; analytical; historical and doctrinal 2. Survey research 3. Case study research 4. Comparative study research 5. Review of literature for research 6. Primary and secondary sources; use of libraries and archives 7. Inductive and deductive methods of reasoning 8. Qualitative and Quantitative methods: characteristics and application 9. Sampling: concept, logic, and types 10. Observation including participant and non-participant 11. Research proposal and designing, research questions, and hypothesis formulation 12. Research ethics Area Studies 1. Strategic Dimensions and Geopolitics of Central Asia, Mongolia and JNU e-Prospectus 2020-21 Afghanistan 2. International relations of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia, 3. Ethnicity and Religion in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Tibet. 4. Religious Extremism and Terrorism in Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Xinjiang. 5. Society, Culture and Politics in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Tibet. 6. Human Security and Gender Issues. 7. China’s Nationalities Policy in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia. 8. Nation-building process in Central Asia, Mongolia, and Afghanistan. 9. Social, Political, and Economic Issues in Central Asia, Mongolia and Afghanistan 10. Energy Resources in Central Asia and Mongolia 11. Transportation Networks and trade linkages |
18 | Centre for
African Studies (CAS) |
African Studies –
AFSP (118) & AFSH (843) |
Geo-cultural Aspects:
Land, People, Ecology, Environment, Languages, and Culture Historical Aspects: Ancient African Empires Indigenous political systems Atlantic slave trade-its impact and implications Industrial Revolution and the elimination of slave trade Colonialism in Africa: European partition of Africa Asian (Indian) migration into Africa Patterns of Colonial rule in Africa Legacy of Colonialism Growth of nationalism and Liberation Movements in Africa Political Aspects: Political independence and Constitutional changes in Africa Growth of political parties and party systems The role of the military Democratization process in Africa Rise and fall of Apartheid in South Africa Concepts of Pan-Africanism and African socialism Economic Aspects: Nature of African Economy Underdevelopment and Dependency patterns in Africa Neo-colonial penetration and problems of economic independence Development strategies in the post-independence period Structural adjustment programs in Africa-an evaluation The problem of poverty in Africa Africa’s debt crisis Globalization and its impact on Africa Regional economic cooperation and development (ECOWAS, SADC, COMESA, EAC, and AEC) Social Aspects: Problems of nation-building in Africa Role of education State of Human Rights in Africa Role of civil society and women The problem of AIDS in Africa Ethnic conflicts in Africa Social change and structural transformation Africa and the World: Africa and the emerging International System Africa and European dominance Africa and the Cold War Post-Cold War scenario in Africa Africa and the New World Order Africa and the United Nations Inter-regional Cooperation Role of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) Africa and the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) The Role and Relevance of the African Union (AU) 2001 India-Africa Relations |
18 | Centre for West
Asian Studies (CWAS) |
West Asian Studies
– WASP (119) & WASH (844) |
Syllabus for Entrance Examination covers research methodology and domain
knowledge of West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region including its geographical area; Political and Social Systems; Military and Politics; Arab Nationalism, Turkish Nationalism; Zionism; Islamism & Islamist Movement; Political Economy of GCC States, Rentier Economy, Inter and Intra-State Conflicts; Regional Conflicts; Intellectual Traditions in Arab World and Iran; Foreign Policy analysis of major regional powers of the area, notably Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran will be covered. In addition, the syllabus will also focus on the role of global powers in the region along with India’s West Asia Policy, its interests, and objectives. |
20 | Centre for
Comparative Politics and Political Theory (CCPPT) |
Comparative Politics
and Political Theory – CPTP (120) & CPTH (845) |
Questions are set keeping in mind the MA syllabi of disciplines in the Social Sciences
and Humanities from which candidates may apply to the Centre. Questions are broad enough for candidates to apply their knowledge of the discipline in which they have their MA degree. It is expected that candidates are widely read in their respective disciplines. |
Sl. No | Name of Centre | Sub. Code & Sub. Code Number | Syllabus for Entrance Examination |
1 | School of International Studies | Energy Studies Programme – ESPH (847 | 1) Energy Security: A Conceptual Study
2) Energy Security and International Relations 3) Political Economy of Energy Security 4) Energy and Geopolitics 5) India’s Energy Security: Policies and Politics 6) Energy in Foreign policy 7) Energy Security and Energy Governance 8) Global energy trends and scenarios 9) Debating Energy Security Transition: Role of Renewable Energy 10) Energy Security and Global South 11) Energy and Environment 12) Energy Security and Cooperation: South Asia, Gulf, Central Asia and European Energy 13) Methodology of Energy Security Studies: Comparative, Historical and Mixed-Method Research, quantitative and qualitative variable analysis in Energy Security. |