Karnataka Bank PO Previous Papers 2020 OUT | Download Probationary Officer Model Question Paper: The Karnataka Bank released the recruitment of PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (SCALE I) post. Now they released the Test Pattern/Model Question Paper for the applicable candidates. Interested candidates can download the question paper from our website.

Karnataka Bank PO Previous Papers 2020 Details
Organization | Karnataka Bank |
Category | Question paper |
Total test | 5 |
Name Of The Test
- Computer Awareness
- English Language
- General Awareness (Banking, Current Affairs etc.)
- Reasoning
- Quantitative Aptitude
The online examination will comprise the following objective type multiple choice tests as stated below
SL.NO. | Name of the exam | No.of. Questions | Maximum marks | Duration | Version |
1 | Computer Awareness | 30 | 30 | 15mins | only english |
2 | English Language | 50 | 50 | 35mins | |
3 | General Awareness (Banking, Current Affairs etc.) | 50 | 50 | 20mins | |
4 | Reasoning | 30 | 30 | 20mins | |
5 | Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 40 | 30mins |
NOTE: Candidates keep in touch with TAMILANJOBS website for more information regarding Jobs, Exams, results and other details.