Kerala PSC Police Sub Inspector Mains Hall Ticket 2023 (Released): The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has taken a significant step toward the Police Sub Inspector (SI) recruitment process by releasing the Mains Hall Ticket for 2023. This article unveils essential details about the Kerala PSC Police Sub Inspector Mains Exam, the release of the Hall Ticket, and provides a step-by-step guide to download the Call Letter 2023.

KPSC Police Sub Inspector Mains Exam Date 2023
The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) launched a recruitment drive for the position of Police Sub Inspector. Aspiring candidates eagerly applied for this opportunity to serve in the esteemed police force of Kerala. Mark your calendars for the Kerala PSC Police Sub Inspector Mains Exam scheduled on 23rd August 2023. This examination serves as a crucial stage in the selection process for the Police Sub Inspector position. Call Letter 2023
On 9th August 2023, the Kerala PSC released the Hall Ticket for the Police Sub Inspector Mains Exam. This timely release allows candidates to access the necessary details and prepare for the upcoming examination. The Kerala Police SI Mains Admit Card 2023 is a crucial document that serves as an entry pass to the examination center. It contains essential information such as the exam venue, date, and time. Carrying this admit card is mandatory to gain entry to the examination hall.
How to Download Kerala Police SI Mains Admit Card 2023?
To download the Kerala Police SI Mains Admit Card 2023, follow these steps:
- Visit the official KPSC website –
- Look for the “Admit Card” or “Hall Ticket” section.
- Find and click on the link related to the “Kerala PSC Police Sub Inspector Mains Hall Ticket 2023.”
- Provide the required details such as registration number and date of birth.
- Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Check the details, and if everything is correct, download and print the admit card for future use.
Download Kerala PSC Police Sub Inspector Mains Hall Ticket 2023 << Click Here >>