KMAT Kerala Result 2023 (Out): Are you eagerly waiting for the KMAT Kerala Result 2023? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the KMAT Kerala Exam Results. The University of Kerala has recently announced the release of the KMAT Kerala Result on its official website, Read on to find out more about the KMAT Score Card, Cut-Off Marks, and Merit List.

KMAT Kerala Session 2 Result 2023
The KMAT Kerala Session 2 Result for the year 2023 has been declared by the University of Kerala. This result is specifically for the candidates who appeared for the Kerala Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) Exam on 2nd July 2023. To access your result, visit the official website of the University of Kerala at
Kerala Management Aptitude Test Cut-Off Marks 2023
The KMAT Kerala Cut-Off Marks for the year 2023 have also been announced. These cut-off marks determine the minimum score required to qualify for the next stage of the selection process. Candidates who meet or exceed the cut-off marks will be eligible for further rounds of admission. The cut-off marks are available on the official website of the University of Kerala. Kerala Merit List 2023
The University of Kerala has released the KMAT Kerala Merit List for the year 2023 on its official website, The merit list contains the names of candidates who have performed exceptionally well in the KMAT exam. Being included in the merit list is a significant achievement and can greatly enhance your chances of securing admission to reputed management institutes.
How to Check KMAT Kerala Scorecard 2023 Online?
To check your KMAT Kerala Scorecard 2023 online, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit the official website of the University of Kerala at
2. Look for the ‘Results‘ or ‘KMAT Kerala Result‘ section on the homepage.
3. Click on the relevant link to access the result page.
4. Enter your login credentials, such as roll number and date of birth.
5. Submit the details and your KMAT Kerala Scorecard 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
6. Download and save the scorecard for future reference.
Download KMAT Kerala Result 2023 << Available Now >>
Note: The KMAT Kerala Result 2023 has been declared by the University of Kerala. Candidates who have appeared for the KMAT exam can now check their scorecard, cut-off marks, and merit list online. Make sure to visit the official website at to access your result. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!