LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023 (Out Soon): Are you waiting for the LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023? The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) will soon activate the call letter download link for the post of Apprentice Development Officer on its official website. Candidates who have cleared both the Preliminary and Main examinations are eligible to attend the LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview. The LIC Apprentice Development Officer Interview call letter 2023 will contain important details such as the candidate’s name and other relevant information.
To download the LIC Interview call letter, candidates must visit the official website @ The interview call letter is expected to be released in June 2023. Candidates must keep a check on the official website for details regarding the Apprentice Development Officer interview date, venue, and other relevant information.

LIC Apprentice Development Officer Exam Date 2023
The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has announced the interview exam date for the post of Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) in 2023. Aspirants who have successfully cleared the written exam are eligible to appear for the interview. The LIC ADO interview exam date is a crucial piece of information for candidates, as it allows them to prepare and plan accordingly. Interview Call Letter 2023
The LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview is a crucial step in the selection process. Candidates who have cleared the Preliminary and Main examinations must not miss the chance to attend the interview. Download the LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023 from the official website and be prepared for the interview.
Steps to Download LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023
Here are the steps to download the LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023:
1. Visit the official website of LIC at
2. Click on the link for LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023.
3. Enter your login credentials such as registration number and password.
4. Verify the details and click on the submit button.
5. The LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
6. Download and take a printout of the LIC Interview Call Letter for future reference.
Download LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023 << Out Soon >>
Note: Candidates must carry the hard copy of the LIC ADO Phase 3 Interview Call Letter 2023 to the exam hall as without the same they will not be allowed to appear for the interview. Candidates must also keep a check on the official website for details regarding the interview exam date, venue, and other relevant information.