MPSC AAO, Administrative Officer Syllabus 2023 (Out): If you are looking for the syllabus of the MPSC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) or MPSC Administrative Officer (AO) for the year 2023, you are in the right place. This article will provide you with a detailed overview of the syllabus for these positions, as well as the MPSC Exam Pattern for the year 2023. It is important for candidates who have applied for the positions of Assistant Administrative Officer in the Group B-Public Health Department and Ground Water Survey & Development Agency, and Administrative Officer in the Group B-Directorate of Archaeology and Museums to familiarize themselves with the latest MPSC Group B Syllabus in order to prepare effectively.

MPSC Exam Pattern for AAO Officer, Administrative Officer Posts
The MPSC Assistant Administrative Officer examination will have a question paper at the level of a college degree. The questions will be in multiple-choice format. You will have 1 hour to complete the exam, and no additional time will be given. For more information, please refer to the table below for the MPSC Exam Pattern 2023.
Subject | Number of Questions | Marks | Time Duration |
General Knowledge, Intelligence Test, and Administrative Work (973) | 50 | 100 | 1 Hour |
(a) Negative Marking
1) For each wrong answer 25% or 1/4 marks will be deducted/ reduced from the total marks.
2) If more than one answer is given to a question or if a candidate has not marked the full circle in the answer sheet and the answer to the question is considered wrong, 25% or 1/4 marks will be deducted from the total marks for the answer to that question will be done.
3) While following the procedure as above, even if the sum of total final marks is in fraction, it will remain in fraction and further action will be taken based on it.
4) If a question is answered unanswered, the system of negative marking will not be applicable in such a case.
(b) Final Merit List
The final merit list will be based on the aggregate marks in objective tests and interviews.
MPSC Group B Syllabus 2023
In this section, you can conveniently access and gather the MPSC Group B Syllabus for the upcoming Administrative Officer and Assistant Administrative Officer Exam. Ensure you are well-prepared for the examination by acquainting yourself with the comprehensive syllabus provided. Obtain all the necessary information and topics you need to study for successful performance in the MPSC Group B Exam.
General Knowledge
- History of Maharashtra
- Geography of Maharashtra
- Right to Information Act 2005
- Constitution of India
- Computer and Information Technology
- Human rights and responsibilities
- Global as well as India Current Affairs – Political, Industrial, Economic, Social,
- Educational, Geographical, Astronomical, Cultural, Scientific, etc.
Intelligence Test
Intelligence questions will be asked with a view to predicting how quickly and accurately the candidate can think.
Rules and orders applicable in relation to administrative work
- Maharashtra Civil Services (General Conditions of Service) Rules, 1981
- Maharashtra Civil Services (Pay) Rules, 1981
- Maharashtra Civil Service (period of recruitment, foreign service, suspension, dismissal from service) Provide) Rules, 1981
- Maharashtra Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1981
- Maharashtra Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1982
- Maharashtra Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1979/ Departmental Inquiry Manual
- Maharashtra Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1979
- Regarding accounting
- Regarding Seniority List
- Office Procedures
- Administrative matters
- Judicial Matters
How to Download MPSC AAO, Administrative Officer Syllabus 2023?
To download the MPSC AAO, Administrative Officer Syllabus for the year 2023, follow the steps below:
1. Visit the official website of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC).
2. Look for the “Syllabus” section on the homepage and click on it.
3. A new page will open with a list of available syllabus options.
4. Select the appropriate syllabus for the Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) or Administrative Officer (AO) exam.
5. The syllabus will be displayed on the screen in PDF format.
6. Click on the download button to save the syllabus on your device.
7. Take a printout of the syllabus for easy reference during your preparation.
Download MPSC AAO, Administrative Officer Syllabus 2023 << Click Here >>
Note: Make sure to download the syllabus specific to the year 2023 to ensure you are studying the most up-to-date topics and exam patterns.