MPSC APP Interview Schedule 2023 (Released): The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has published the detailed interview schedule for the Assistant Public Prosecutor, Group A posts on its official website. The interview round for Phases 4, 5 & 6 for the Assistant Public Prosecutor posts against Adv No.001/2022 will commence from June 14, 2023, onwards. Candidates who have qualified for the interview round can download the detailed interview schedule from the official website of MPSC or through the direct link provided below.

Maharashtra APP Interview Schedule 2023
The MPSC will conduct interviews for the Assistant Public Prosecutor posts from June 13 to July 06, 2023, as per the schedule provided on the official website. Candidates can check the detailed schedule for their Interview Date/Time using their registration number and name. It is essential for the candidates to be present at the scheduled venue and time for the interview round.
Venue for the Interview
The venue for the interview is MPSC Office, Trishul Gold Field Bldg. Plot No.34, Opp. Sarovar Vihar, Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614. Interview Schedule 2023 Selection Process
The interview round is a crucial part of the selection process for the Assistant Public Prosecutor, Group-A Advt. No. 001-2022 was released earlier by MPSC. MPSC had earlier released a notification for 547 posts of Assistant Public Prosecutor, Group A under advertisement number 001/2022.
Steps to Download MPSC APP Interview Schedule 2023 Online
Candidates can download the MPSC APP Interview Schedule 2023 by following the steps mentioned below:
1. Visit the official website of MPSC-
2. Click on the link to download the detailed interview schedule for Assistant Public Prosecutor, Group A posts.
3. Enter the registration number and name to access the interview schedule.
4. Download and take a printout of the schedule for future reference.
Download MPSC Interview Schedule 2023 << Available Now >>
Note: Candidates who have qualified for the interview round of the Assistant Public Prosecutor, Group A posts can download the detailed interview schedule from the official website of MPSC. They must ensure their presence at the scheduled venue and time for the interview round.