MPSC State Services Main Result 2021: The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has announced the rechecking process for the State Services result 2021. Candidates who have appeared for the state service examination 2021 and are not satisfied with their results can apply for rechecking on the official website –

Rechecking Process Details
The MPSC State Services 2021 result was declared on June 15. Candidates will be able to apply for rechecking and totaling of marks in the state services exam through a web link provided by the commission on the official website. Students will have to pay the prescribed fee to apply for the rechecking process.
Important Dates
The last date to apply for rechecking is July 3. After this date, no applications will be accepted by the commission.
How to Apply for Rechecking of MPSC State Services 2021 Results?
To apply for rechecking, candidates can follow the below steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website of MPSC –
Step 2: Click on the ‘State Services Main Examination 2021’ link
Step 3: Login using your credentials
Step 4: Click on the ‘Rechecking Application Form’ link
Step 5: Fill in the required details and submit the form
Step 6: Pay the prescribed fee for the rechecking process
Step 7: Save the confirmation page for future reference
Download MPSC State Services Main Result 2021 << Click Here >>
Note: Candidates who are not satisfied with their MPSC State Services 2021 results can apply for rechecking by following the above steps. The last date to apply for rechecking is July 3, 2021. Candidates must pay the prescribed fee to complete the application process.