MYMUL Mysore Syllabus 2020 PDF, Assistant Manager, Marketing, Account Assistant, Technical Officer Exam Pattern: Mysore District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Limited (MYMUL) has officially released the MYMUL Mysore Assistant Manager, Technical Officer, Purchase Store Officer Recruitment 2020. The candidates eagerly check and prepare the examination. So, we provided the MYMUL Syllabus 2020 to score more marks in the MYMUL Assistant Manager, Technical Officer, Purchase Store Officer Exam 2020. Not only the MYMUL Mysore Syllabus 2020 you can also get the MYMUL Exam Pattern 2020 from this page. So, candidates can prepare for the MYMUL Assistant Manager, Technical Officer Exam 2020 without any disturbance. To the bottom of this page, you can easily get the Assistant Manager, Technical Officer Syllabus 2020 & Exam Pattern For Subject Wise Syllabus in PDF Format. The candidates can use this article to get more marks and idea about the examination.
MYMUL Assistant Manager Syllabus Overview
MYMUL Syllabus is available to download. Most of the job seekers failed to follow the exam pattern and question paper structure. Before going to prepare for the examination, candidates need a clear idea to prepare for the examination. For that need to understand the exam pattern and syllabus first. Here below find a brief review of MYMUL Assistant Manager exam syllabus 2020.
MYMUL Mysore Syllabus 2020 PDF, Assistant Manager, Marketing, Account Assistant, Technical Officer Exam Pattern | |
Organization Name | Mysore District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Limited (MYMUL) |
Post Name | Assistant Manager, Technical Officer, Purchase Store Officer, Administrative Officer, Account Officer, MIS/ System Officer, Marketing Officer, Security Officer, Dairy Supervisor, Extension Officer, Chemist, Accounts Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Security Assistant, Marketing Assistant, Junior System operator, Junior Technician |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Location | Mysore |
Official website | www.mymul.coop |
MYMUL Technical Officer Selection Process:
The Selection Procedure of the Exam will be as follows:
- Written Test
- Personal Interview
MYMUL Mysore Assistant Manager, Technical Officer Exam Pattern 2020
Mysore District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Limited (MYMUL) Exam pattern has been given below. This plays a great role while preparing for Assistant Manager, Technical Officer, Purchase Store Officer, Administrative Officer examination. The candidates those who are succeeding in the examination, they are using this exam pattern. Usually, MYMUL exam pattern has been released by Mysore District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Limited.
S.No | Subjects Name | Total Marks |
1. | Kannada Language | 50 Marks |
2. | English Language | 25 Marks |
3. | General Knowledge | 25 Marks |
4. | Reasoning | 50 Marks |
5. | General Awareness | 25 Marks |
6. | Aptitude | 25 Marks |
7. | Total | 200 Marks |
MYMUL Junior System operator, Junior Technician Syllabus:
The Topic wise MYMUL Syllabus is here. Candidates can go through the given syllabus and prepare well for their examination.
MYMUL Junior Technician Syllabus
- Plant Protection Principles and Practices
- Computer Application
- Livestock, Poultry Management, Artificial Insemination, and Calf Rearing
- Energy and Environment
- Breeding and Seed Production
- Farm Machinery and Post Harvest Technology
- Agronomic principles, practices, and meteorology
- Soils and Fertility Management
- Agriculture Extension and Agriculture Economics
- Commercial Agriculture
- Horticultural Crop Cultivation Techniques
- Dry Farming and Agro-Forestry
MYMUL Junior System operator Syllabus
- Analogy
- Series Completion
- Verification of truth of the Statement
- Situation Reaction Test
- Direction Sense Test
- Classification
- Data Sufficiency
- Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
- Puzzle Test
- Blood Relations
- Coding-Decoding
- Assertion and Reasoning
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Operations of Mathematics
- Word Sequence
- Missing Characters
- Sequential Output training
- Directions
- Test on Alphabets
- Eligibility Test
MYMUL Assistant Manager Syllabus
- Dot Situation
- Identical figure groupings
- Forming figures and analysis
- Construction of Squares and Triangles
- Series
- Analytical Reasoning
- Paper Folding
- Paper Cutting
- Cubes and Dice
- Water Images
- Mirror Images
- Figure Matrix
- Completion Incomplete Pattern
- Spotting embedded figures
- Classification
- Rules Detection
MYMUL Account Officer Syllabus
- Probability
- Time and Distance
- Quadratic Equations
- Odd Man Out
- Races and Games
- Numbers and Ages
- Averages
- Mensuration
- Profit and Loss
- Problems on Numbers
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Indices and Surds
- Simple Equations
- Permutations and Combinations
- Compound Interest
- Boats and Streams
- Simplification and Approximation
- Mixtures and Allegations
- Simple Interest
- Problems on LCM and HCF
- Time and Work Partnership
- Problems on Trains
- Ratio and Proportion
- Areas
- Volumes
- Percentages
MYMUL Dairy Supervisor Syllabus
- Indian Constitution Questions
- Finance
- RBI Functions
- Fiscal-Monetary Policies
- Awards & Honors Sports
- Questions on Indian Economy
- History of Banking
- Books & Their Authors
- Agriculture
- International Economy
- Countries / currencies
- Banking Terms
- Marketing
- Current Affairs of the last six months
MYMUL Technical Officer Syllabus
- Active Listening
- Presentation Skills
- Body Language
- Writing Skills
- Conflict Resolution
- Telephone Skills
- Email Etiquette
- Empathy
- Respect
Download MYMUL Mysore Syllabus 2020 & Exam Pattern PDF – Click Here (Available)
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