NATA 2023 Admit Card (Released): The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2023 Admit Card has been released on the official website for the first test to be conducted on April 21, 2023. Candidates who have successfully registered can now download their NATA Hall Ticket 2023 by entering their application number and password. It is mandatory to carry the admit card to the examination hall. The official website for downloading the admit card is Exam Date 2023
The NATA exam is conducted for admission to the Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) course in various colleges across India. The NATA 2023 exam will be conducted on April 21, 2023, for the first test. Aspirants must start preparing well in advance to crack the exam and secure admission to their desired college.
Steps to Download NATA Hall Ticket 2023
To download the NATA Admit Card 2023, candidates should follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Visit the official website of NATA at or click on the direct link given below.
2. Click on the link ‘NATA Admit Card 2023‘.
3. Enter your application number and password.
4. Click on the ‘Submit‘ button.
5. Download and take a printout of the admit card.
Details Mentioned on NATA Admit Card 2023
Candidates must cross-check all the details mentioned on the admit card before downloading it. The following details will be mentioned on the NATA Admit Card 2023:
1. Name of the candidate
2. Application number
3. Exam date and time
4. Exam center details
5. Candidate’s photograph and signature
6. Exam day instructions
Download NATA Admit Card 2023 Now
Candidates are advised to download the NATA Admit Card 2023 as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute rush. The NATA Admit Card 2023 is a mandatory document that must be carried to the examination hall. For any further queries or issues related to the admit card, candidates can contact the official authorities. Stay tuned to this page for all the latest updates on the NATA exam.
Download NATA Admit Card 2023 (Available Now)