NTA GATB Admit Card 2021 (Declared) | Check GAT-B & BET Exam Date 2021: National Testing Agency has released the Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B)–2021 & Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)-2021 Hall Ticket. Many candidates are applied for this examination. And waiting for the NTA GATB Admit Card 2021. Now, the authority has released the NTA GATB BET Exam Admit Card 2021. Additionally, we have also attached a direct link is given below on this page.

NTA BET Admit Card 2021 – Overview
Download NTA BET Admit Card 2021 and exam Date details | |
Organization | National Testing Agency |
Post Name | Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B)–2021 & Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)-2021 |
Category | Admit Card |
Admit Card Release Date | 09.08.2021 |
Exam Date | 14.08.2021 |
Official website | https://dbt.nta.ac.in |
NTA GATB & BET Exam Date 2021 @dbt.nta.ac.in
Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B)–2021 & Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)-2021 examination will be conducted by National Testing Agency officials. The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the Graduate Aptitude TestBiotechnology (GAT-B) / Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) -2021 on 14.08.2021 (Saturday) in CBT Mode.
Download NTA GATB & BET Hall Ticket 2021
The Applicants are eagerly waiting for the NTA Hall Ticket 2021. Now the officials have released the NTA GATB & BET Call Letter 2021. So, the candidates can check and download the NTA GATB & BET Hall Ticket on the official website or through the direct link given below or Admit Cards for the examination are hosted on the NTA website https://www.nta.ac.in/ or https://dbt.nta.ac.in/. Candidates can download their respective Admit Cards from the website using their Application Form Number and Date of Birth. In case of any difficulty in downloading the Admit Card or discrepancy in the data contained therein, candidates may call the NTA Helpline number: 011-4075 9000 or write to NTA at dbt@nta.ac.in
Important Note:
1. The Admit Card is issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility conditions.
2. Candidate may please note that Admit Card will not be sent by post.
3. Candidate must not mutilate the Admit Card or change any entry made therein.
4. Issue of Admit Card, however, shall not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which shall be further scrutinized at subsequent stages.
5. Candidates are advised to preserve a copy of their Admit Card in good condition
for future reference.
How to Download NTA GATB Admit Card 2021?
- Firstly, Get into the home page of the officials.
- Here find the Admit Card Section.
- Click on this section.
- Here find and click the NTA GATB Hall Ticket Link.
- Login Page will be shown.
- Enter your login details carefully.
- download and take a hard copy of your Admit card.