Odisha +3 Second Round Seat Allotment 2023 (Out): The Higher Education Department of Odisha has recently unveiled the results of the second round of seat allotment for undergraduate degree (+3) admissions. In this article, we will provide you with essential information about the cut-off marks for Round 2 and the release of the merit list for the year 2023. Stay tuned to get all the details you need for a smooth admission process.

samsodisha.gov.in Round 2 Cut-Off Marks 2023
In the second round of admission, understanding the cut-off marks is crucial for aspiring students. These cut-off marks play a pivotal role in determining whether a candidate secures a seat in their desired course and institution. The cut-off marks for various courses and colleges can be accessed on the official website, samsodisha.gov.in. It’s imperative for applicants to check these cut-off marks to gauge their chances of admission.
Odisha +3 Second Round Merit List 2023
The merit list is a crucial component of the admission process. It showcases the names of selected candidates who have been allotted seats in the second round. The merit list can be found on the official website, as well as on notice boards at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Applicants should closely monitor the merit list to check if they have secured a seat in their preferred course and institution.
SAMS Odisha 2023 Important Dates and Deadlines
Staying updated on the admission schedule is essential for successful candidates. Here are some important dates to remember:
- Payment Window: Selected applicants must complete their admission fee payments online through the SAMS (Student’s Account) portal. The payment window will be open from 1 pm on September 26, 2023, until 11:45 pm on September 28, 2023.
- Reporting to Institutions: For those allotted seats in the first round of selection, the reporting deadline to their designated institutions for the admission process is from 9 am on September 27, 2023, to 5 pm on September 30, 2023.
- Data Updating: Institutions are responsible for updating the data of admitted students during this period, from September 27, 2023, at 9 am, until September 30, 2023, at 7 pm, excluding holidays.
- Waiting List Admission: Waitlisted applicants who intend to participate in the waiting list admission round must report for the submission of their Common Application Form (CAF) along with the necessary documents. This reporting period is scheduled from October 3, 2023, starting at 9:00 AM, until October 4, 2023, at 5:00 PM.
- Waitlisted Merit List: On October 6, 2023, at 2:00 PM, the merit list for the waitlisted applicants will be made public. This list will be posted at the Notice Board and the Higher Education Institution’s (HEI) website. Additionally, selected applicants will receive notifications of their selection via phone call or SMS.
- Final Reporting and Fee Payment: Waitlisted applicants who have been selected must report to one of the chosen Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) for admission. The admission fees, which must be deposited directly at the HEIS, will be processed exclusively through online modes such as Net Banking, Bank Challan, NEFT, UPI, etc. This reporting and fee payment process is open until 5:00 PM on October 10, 2023.
- Data Updating for Waitlisted Students: On October 11, 2023, which is a Wednesday, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are instructed to update the data of the selected waitlisted students in their respective e-Space. This data updating process should be complete by 9:00 PM on the specified date.
Steps to Check SAMS Odisha 2nd Round Seat Allotment Results 2023
- Visit the official website – samsodisha.gov.in.
- Look for the ‘Second Round Seat Allotment Results 2023‘ link.
- Click on the link to access the results.
- Enter your relevant details such as registration number and password.
- View and download the second-round seat allotment results.
Check Odisha +3 Second Round Seat Allotment 2023 << Click Here >>