BSE Odisha 10th Result 2023 (Out): The Odisha 10th Result 2023 has been announced by the Board of Secondary Education (BSE Odisha) in a press conference and on official websites. The pass percentage is an impressive 96.19%, with over 5 lakh students clearing the exam. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information to download your result and understand the grading system.

Odisha BSE 10th Pass Percentage 2023
The overall pass percentage for the BSE Odisha 10th Result 2023 is 96.19%. This is a significant improvement from the previous year’s pass percentage of 78.76%. The number of students who cleared the exam this year is 5,12,460. Class X Result 2023
The BSE Odisha 10th Result 2023 has been announced on the official websites of the board. The direct link to download the result is provided in this article. Students can also check their result on, bse-orissa/, and
Odisha Grading System 2023
The BSE Odisha follows a grading system to evaluate the performance of students. The grading system is as follows:
- A1: 91-100 marks (Outstanding)
- A2: 81-90 marks (Excellent)
- B1: 71-80 marks (Very Good)
- B2: 61-70 marks (Good)
- C: 45-60 marks (Average)
- D: 33-44 marks (Below Average)
- E: Below 33 marks (Fail)
How to Check BSE Odisha HSC 10th Result 2023 Online
Follow these simple steps to check your BSE Odisha HSC 10th Result 2023:
1. Visit the official website of BSE Odisha or click on the direct link provided in this article.
2. Click on the “Results” tab on the homepage.
3. Select “BSE Odisha HSC 10th Result 2023”.
4. Enter your roll number and other necessary details.
5. Click on the “Submit” button.
6. Your result will be displayed on the screen.
7. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.
Download Odisha BSE 10th Result 2023 << Available Now >>
Important Things to Check in the Result 2023
Students must check the following details in their BSE Odisha HSC 10th Result 2023:
- Name of the student
- Roll number
- Subject-wise marks obtained
- Total marks obtained
- Pass/fail status
- Grading system