Odisha CPET Admit Card 2023 (Out): The Odisha State Higher Education Council (OSHEC) announced the Odisha CPET Admit Card 2023 on 9th June 2023. Candidates who have applied for the Odisha Common PG Entrance Test 2023 (CPET 2023) can download their Odisha CPET Hall Ticket 2023 from the official website oshecg.in. It is mandatory for candidates to carry the admit card to the examination hall, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the exam.

Odisha CPET Exam Date 2023
The Odisha CPET Exam 2023 is scheduled to be conducted from 23rd June 2023 to 4th July 2023, except for 28th June 2023 and 30th June 2023. Candidates must keep a note of the exam dates and prepare accordingly.
oshecg.in Call Letter 2023
The Odisha CPET Admit Card 2023 contains important details regarding the exam such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam date and time, exam center details, and instructions for exam day. Candidates must verify the details mentioned on the admit card carefully and report any discrepancies to the official authorities.
Steps to download Odisha CPET Hall Ticket 2023 Online
Candidates can follow the steps given below to download the Odisha CPET Admit Card 2023:
1. Visit the official website oshecg.in
2. Click on the link for Odisha CPET Admit Card 2023
3. Enter the required credentials such as registration number and date of birth
4. Verify the details and click on the download button
5. Save and take a printout of the Odisha CPET Hall Ticket 2023 for future use
Documents to carry for the Odisha CPET Exam
Candidates must carry a valid photo ID proof along with the Odisha CPET Admit Card 2023 to the exam center. The ID proof may include Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, or any other government-issued ID proof.
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