OJAS Gujarat TET 2 Hall Ticket 2023 (Released): The Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB) has released the OJAS TET 2 Call Letter for the TET II examination. The candidates who have applied for the examination may download the admit card from the official website www.ojas.gujarat.gov.in. The results and the provisionally selected candidates list for TET 1 have been uploaded, and now the selected aspirants are called to attend TET 2 on 23.04.2023. The candidates need to attend the test along with the OJAS Hall Ticket.

Gujarat TET 2 Admit Card 2023
The OJAS GSEB TET II Hall Ticket is live now, and the news of the provisional admission certificate for the test has been uploaded. The candidates are requested to attend the exam along with the Ojas Call Letter. The Hall Ticket is available from 13.04.2023 to 23.04.2023. The Ojas TET 2 Call Letter 2023 must be taken as a hard copy. To download the admit card, candidates should use their Login.
OJAS Gujarat TET II Call Letter 2023 Download Link
The Ojas Gujarat TET 2 Call Letter 2023 contains all the necessary information such as date, time, centre, roll number, and online link. The notification contains more information about the exam, the download process, and other details. Candidates should read the notification thoroughly to avoid any confusion.
Download OJAS Gujarat TET 2 Hall Ticket 2023 (Click Here)
Steps to download OJAS Gujarat TET 2 Call Letter 2023
To download the hall ticket, candidates should visit the official website www.ojas.gujarat.gov.in and follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Visit the official website www.ojas.gujarat.gov.in
2. Click on the download call letter button.
3. Enter the required details such as confirmation number and birth date.
4. Click on the submit button.
5. The hall ticket will appear on the screen.
6. Take a printout of the hall ticket for future reference.
Candidates must carry the Ojas Gujarat TET 2 Call Letter 2023 along with a valid ID proof to the exam centre. Candidates without the hall ticket will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.
Note: The OJAS Gujarat TET 2 Call Letter 2023 is an essential document that candidates must carry to the exam centre. Candidates should read the notification and download the call letter as soon as possible. For more information about the TET 2 Call Letter 2023, Ojas Gujarat TET 2 Call Letter, exam notices, Ojas hall ticket, TET 2 hall ticket download, Admit card, answer key, results, TET 2 Call Letter, ojas.gujarat.gov.in Call Letter, merit list, candidates may visit the official website.