Brain teaser Puzzles are fun puzzles that make us think in different ways. They help exercise our brains, which is important for keeping them sharp. Here’s a brain teaser for you to solve:
Brain Teaser: A Girl Using Elevator Strangely

In a block of flats, there is a resident who lives on the 14th floor. When she goes downstairs, she always goes to the first floor. When she goes upstairs, she only goes to the 10th floor and then takes the stairs. But here’s the strange part: when she’s in the elevator with someone or when it’s raining, she always goes directly to the 14th floor. Can you explain this weird behavior in the brain teaser that went viral?
Puzzle to test your eye vision power: Spot the doll among the penguins
Solution To The Elevator Girl Strange Behavior
Taking breaks to solve brain teasers and other puzzles like crosswords or sudokus not only gives us a mental break but also has long-term benefits. Some experts believe that regularly challenging our brains with puzzles can help keep them healthy and may even reduce the risk of conditions like dementia.

While there are other factors that affect our risk of dementia, keeping our minds active is crucial for maintaining their freshness and overall health. So, go ahead and enjoy some brain teasers to give your mind a workout!