OPSC AHO Syllabus 2021 PDF & Download Assistant Horticulture Officer Exam Pattern: Are you searching for OPSC Assistant Horticulture Officer Syllabus? If Yes, You are in the right place. Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has officially released the Assistant Horticulture Officer (AHO) post Recruitment. The candidates eagerly check and prepare for the examination. So, we provided the OPSC AHO Syllabus 2021 PDF to score more marks in the OPSC AHO Exam. Not only the OPSC Assistant Horticulture Officer Syllabus 2021 pdf you can also get the OPSC Assistant Horticulture Officer Exam Pattern from this page. So, candidates can prepare for the OPSC Assistant Horticulture Officer Exam 2021 without any disturbance. To the bottom of this page, you can easily get the OPSC AHO Syllabus 2021 in PDF & Exam Pattern for Subject Wise Syllabus in PDF Format. The candidates can use this article to get more marks and ideas about the examination.

OPSC AHO Syllabus 2021 PDF Download – Details
OPSC AHO Syllabus 2021 PDF & Download Assistant Horticulture Officer Exam Pattern | |
Organization Name | Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) |
Post Name | Assistant Horticulture Officer (AHO) |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Job Location | Odisha |
Official website | www.opsc.gov.in |
OPSC AHO Exam Pattern 2021
Name of the Subject | Number of Marks | Time Duration |
Post Name | 20 | 3 Hours |
Plantation crops | 20 | |
Plant propagation and nursery management | 20 | |
Vegetable Crops | 20 | |
Spices, Condiments, Medicinal plants | 20 | |
Organization Name | 20 | |
Ornamental Horticulture | 30 | |
Related subjects | 05 | |
Agro-Meteorology | 05 | |
Soil and Nutrition | 05 | |
Water Management | 05 | |
Weed Management | 05 | |
Dry-land Farming | 05 | |
Integrated Fanning System | 05 | |
Economics | 05 | |
Seed Technology | 05 | |
Statistics | 05 | |
Plant Protection | 05 | |
Total | 200 Marks |
- There shall be no negative marking for Wrong Answers.
OPSC Assistant Horticulture Officer Syllabus 2021 PDF
Plant propagation and nursery management
Importance of plant propagation, sexual & asexual method of plant propagation, advantages, disadvantages, detail about grafting, layering, budding, cuttings, tissue culture, propagation through specialized plant part, incompatibility, polyembryony, apomixes, pat1henocarpy, rootstocks, anatomical studies on rooting, scion, graft union, use of PGR, propagation method of horticultural crops, plant propagating structure, media preparation, nursery act, registration, insect pest & disease control of nursery plants, Hi-tech
Fruit Crops
Importance of fruits classification of fruits, area, production, export, marketing, storage, fruit growing zones of fruit crops, agro-climatic zones & suitable fruits for tropical, subtropical & wasteland areas, soil, climate, varieties planting, cultural practices, irrigation, nutrition, weed management plant protection, harvesting, yield, storage, processing, Physiological disorders, insect, pest, diseases management, Post-harvest technology, training, pruning, unfruitfulness of fruits of important fruit crops such as mango, banana, citrus fruits, Pine-apple, Guava, Citrus, Papaya, Sapota, Bae!, Ber, Jack fruit, Pomegranate, Litchi, Jamun, bael, Custard apple, aonla etc.
Plantation Crops
importance, scope, area, production, marketing, processing & cultivation practices of important plantation crops like coconut, areca nut, Oil palm, Palmyrah palm, Cocoa, coffee, tea, rubber, date palm in relation to soil, climate, varieties, plant protection, soil & water management, processing packaging, grading, value addition.
Vegetable crops
Area, production, importance, productivity, export, value addition, off-season cultivation, greenhouse cultivation, organic fanning, seed production, certification, value addition, storage of vegetable & cultivation of important, tropical, subtropical, temperate, under-exploited, perennial vegetable crops in relation to soil, climate, varieties, hybrid, seed rate, spacing, fertiliser dose, physiological disorders, plant protection, harvesting storage,
processing, important varieties, vegetable garden etc. Spices, Condiments, Medicinal
History scope, area, production, marketing, export, value addition, processing, storage of important spices, condiments & medicinal plants. Cultivation practices of important spices, condiments and medicinal plants with relation to soil, climate, variety, spacing, fertilisers, plant protection, harvesting & marketing, processing etc. Uses of important spices, condiments & medicinal plants.
Ornamental Horticulture
History, definition, scope, importance, marketing, export, aesthetic value, Horticulture
industry, industrial importance, open cultivation, protected cultivation, packaging, marketing, storage of important commercial flowers, Ornamental trees, climbers, shrubs, herbs, loose flowers, foliage plants, house plants, orchids, cut flowers, different types of garden, parks, gardens features, Bonsai, terrace garden, flower arrangement, bio aesthetic planting, landscape architecture, commercial cultivation of important cut flower crops, lawn & its maintenance, protected cultivation of important flowers & foliage plants.
Related subjects
Precision farming, protected cultivation, drip and sprinkler irrigation, Fe1tigation, post-harvesting technology of horticultural crops, nutrient management, INM, important insect, pest and diseases of horticultural crops, water management, soil management, use of PGR, organic fanning and certification, leaf analysis, genetic Engineering, bio-control, different cropping pattern, crop rotation, farming system research, weed management, water management, soil management, seed production, organic fanning, protected cultivation, respiration, transpiration, photosynthesis, biotic & abiotic stress management, dormancy, growth and development, horticulture entrepreneurship.
Agro Meteorology
Agro climate zones of India & Odisha, Agroecology for ho11icultural crops, Weather &
climate, Weather parameters and crop environment, Weather forecasting, Climate change, vulnerability and risks, Climate resilience and climate-smart practices.
Soil and Nutrition
The soil of Odisha, problematic soils and their management, essential plant nutrients, crop growth, manures and fe1tilisers, integrated nutrient management for horticultural crop, nutrient use efficiency
Water Management
Water resources of Odisha, Irrigation development, Soil plant water relation, Water
requirement and irrigation efficiencies, Irrigation scheduling, methods & irrigation, micro-irrigation & water use efficiencies, Irrigation water quality, stress management.
Weed Management
Weeds competition & allelopathy, crop weed association, weed prevention eradication and
control, integrated weed management, herbicides and their uses selectivity and environmental impacts.
Dry Land Farming
Rained and dry land horticulture, drought management, Contingent planning, soil moisture
conservation, water harvesting & recycling, watershed management, conservation farming/ horticulture.
Integrated Farming System
Farming system and horticulture, Integrated farming system models (horticultural based), farm machinery & equipment for horticulture, tillage & tillage implements.
Seed Technology
Seed quality, seed dormancy, seed production certification storage etc.
Cost of cultivation of horticultural crops, Entrepreneurship in horticulture, Agribusiness management, marketing.
Basic statistical principles, data collection compilation & presentation.
Plant Protection
IPM, biological control, important insect pests, diseases and nematodes of horticultural crops.
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