OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023 (Announced): The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has recently released the certificate verification dates for the Combined Post-Graduate Level (CPGL) Recruitment Exam. Candidates who have successfully cleared the preliminary examination and main written examination can now check the OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023. This article provides detailed information about the certificate verification process and how to download the verification dates online.

Odisha CPGL CV Dates 2023
The OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023 have been officially announced as 6th and 7th June 2023. It is important for candidates to note these dates as they are crucial for the final selection process. The certificate verification stage is the final step in the recruitment process, where candidates’ documents and eligibility will be verified by the authorities. The certificate verification dates are fixed, and candidates must appear on the designated dates as per the schedule.
How to Download OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023 Online?
Candidates can follow the steps provided below to download the OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023:
- Visit the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) at ossc.gov.in.
- On the homepage, look for the “Latest News” or “Important Announcements” section.
- Search for the notification regarding the OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023.
- Click on the link or download the PDF file provided in the notification.
- The PDF file will contain the complete schedule of the certificate verification dates.
- Carefully check the dates, timings, and venue mentioned in the document.
- Download the PDF file for future reference and to ensure you have the necessary information readily available.
Download OSSC CPGL Certificate Verification Dates 2023 Notice << Click Here >>