PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 Download @ | Check Here: Applicants who have applied for the post of Clerk, Accounts Clerk, and IT Clerk can get the PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 through this article. Applicants make use of this page to start preparing for their exams. Here you can get the free PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 on this page. To write the written test the PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 and PSSSB Clerk 2021 Exam Pattern are very important. Applicants keep in touch with this article and continue to prepare for their exams and do well for your exams.
PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 – Complete Details

Check PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 Details @ | |
Organization | Punjab Subordinate Service Selection Board |
Post Name | Clerk, Accounts Clerk, and IT Clerk |
Category | Syllabus |
Vacancy | 2789 Posts |
Status | Available Now |
Official Website | |
PSSSB Clerk, IT Clerk Exam Pattern 2021
For the Post Of Clerk:
Subjects | No of Questions/No of Marks | Time Duration |
Reasoning | 15 |
90 minutes |
Numerical Ability | 15 | |
English/Punjabi | 30 | |
General Knowledge | 20 | |
ICT (Computer Basics) | 20 | |
Punjab History and
Culture |
20 | |
Total Marks | 120 |
For The Post Of IT Clerk:
Subjects | No of Questions/No of Marks | Time Duration |
Reasoning | 10 |
90 minutes |
Numerical Ability | 10 | |
English/Punjabi | 20 | |
General Knowledge | 10 | |
ICT (Computer Basics) | 50 | |
Punjab History and
Culture |
20 | |
Total Marks | 120 |
For The Post Of Accounts Clerk:
Subjects | No of Questions/No of Marks | Time Duration |
Reasoning | 10 |
90 minutes |
Numerical Ability | 10 | |
English/Punjabi | 20 | |
General Knowledge | 10 | |
ICT (Computer Basics) | 15 | |
Finance and Accounts |
35 | |
Punjab History and
Culture |
20 | |
Total Marks | 120 |
PSSSB Clerk Syllabus 2021 PDF
For the Post Of Clerk:
Reasoning Ability:
Number & alphabet series, blood relation puzzles, coding-decoding, directions, analogies, similarities and differences, symbols and notation, statements, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, odd one out problems.
Numerical Ability:
Average, Number Systems, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Pipes and Cisterns, Problems on Trains, Problems on Ages, H.C.F and L.C.M, Profit & Loss, Time and Distance, Clocks and Calendars, Data Interpretation, Mixture and Allegation, Boats and Streams, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Time & Work. , Discounts
Basic Grammar, Subject and Verb, Adjectives, and Adverbs, Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word Substitution, Fill in the blanks, Problem concerning words, Comparison of Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Direct and Indirect Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Correction in Sentences, gender, Singular and Plural, Idioms, and their meanings, Reading comprehension, Spell Checks, etc.
General Knowledge:
Current Affairs, History & Geography, Its Physical Features, Climate, Demography of India, It’s Economic and Social Development, Poverty Alleviation, Economic Planning, Etc. Economic Affairs and Culture, knowledge related to Political and Scientific fields, Sports, Cinema and Literature, etc. Important Events, Movements, and Leaders of India and Punjab. (Only questions with definitive dates or years, if required)
Basic of computers, network & Internet, email, use of office productivity tools like Word, spreadsheet & presentation
Punjab History and Culture:
Physical features of Punjab and its ancient history. Social, religious, and economic life in Punjab. Development of Language & Literature and Arts in Punjab, Social and culture of Punjab during Afgan/Mughal Rule, Bhakti Movement, Sufism, Teachings/History of Sikh Gurus and Saints in Punjab. Adi Granth, Sikh Rulers, Freedom movements of Punjab.
For The Post Of IT Clerk:
Fundamentals of Computer:
Basic of computers, network & Internet, email, use of office productivity tools like Word, spreadsheet & presentation, Operating System:
DBMS, RDBMS, Characteristics of DBMS, Architecture of DBMS and Data Independence, CODD Rules, Data Modelling, ER Model, Relational Data model concepts and constraints, Keys-primary, foreign candidate, etc., SQL- DDL, DML, DCL command. Queries and views, indexes & constraints, Normalization-1NF, 2NF, 3NF, 4NF, BCNF, 5NF. The transaction, concurrency control, and recovery techniques. NoSQL databases.
Computer Organization:
Digital Logic, Boolean algebra, K-Maps, Flip flops, combination circuit-adders, multiplexers, de-multiplexer, sequential circuit, Computer system, memories, IO organization, process organization, instruction format, control unit, multiprocessing, and multi-core computers.
Data Structure:
The data structure, time and space complexity, data types, link list and its operations like insert, delete, etc. double & circular linked list and their operations, Stack & its operation (push and pop), infix to postfix conversion, infix/postfix evaluation, queues, and their operation, array and its representation, sorting algorithms (selection/bubble/sort, insertion, quick, merge, shell, radix, etc.), searching algorithm: linear, binary, etc. Trees and their representation. Properties of trees, binary tree.
Programming skills:
Basics of problem-solving, providing a solution to the problem using a flowchart, algorithm 50, and pseudocode. C programming: Basic of C, data types, variables and their scope, Storage classes, I/O operations, Operators, control structures, looping structures, Array, Strings, Functions, pointers, Enum, struct, union, memory management, File handling.
For The Post Of Accounts Clerk:
Finance and Accounts:
Financial Accounting: Accounting as a Financial Information System, Accounting Standards, Ind AS, Accounting for Share Capital Transactions including 35 Bonus Shares, Accounting for issue and redemption of Debentures, Preparation and Presentation of Company Final Accounts.
Auditing: Meaning and Objectives of Auditing, Company Audit, Standards on Auditing (Basic Knowledge), Vouching, Verification of Assets and Liabilities.
Cost Accounting: Meaning, Concept, and Classification of Cost, Contract and Job costing, operating costing, Marginal Costing- Profit – Volume Ratio, Break-Even Point, Unit Costing, Overhead costing
Direct Taxation: Basic Concepts of Income Tax – Definitions, Basis of Charge, Computation of Income under various heads, Deductions from gross total income, Advance Tax and Tax Deduction at Source, Filing of return of Income, Knowledge of PAN & TAN
Indirect Taxation: Concept of Indirect taxes, GST Laws – Basic Concepts, Levy and collection of GST, Registration under GST, Input Tax Credit under GST Regime, Computation of GST, Penalties under GST Law
Business and Corporate Law: Companies Act, 2013, The Indian Contract Act, 1872, The Indian Partnership Act, 1932, The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, Payment of gratuity act 1972,
Financial Management: Meaning, Objective and Scope of Financial Management, Source of Finance, Capital budgeting, Working Capital management.
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