SLIET SET Syllabus 2023: Are you planning to appear for the SLIET SET 2023 exam? If so, then you must be curious about the syllabus and exam pattern. Don’t worry, in this article, we will provide you with all the necessary details regarding the SLIET SET syllabus and exam pattern for 2023.

SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 – Overview
SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 – Details | |
Name Of The Organization | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET) |
Name Of The Exam | Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology State Eligibility Test (SLIET SET) 2023 |
Category | Syllabus |
Exam Purpose | To provide admissions into courses like B.E (Lateral entry), M. Tech, MBA, M. Sc, Ph.D |
Official Site | |
SLIET SET Exam Pattern 2023
The SLIET SET 2023 exam will consist of two papers – Paper I and Paper II. Paper I will be a common paper for all candidates and Paper II will be subject-specific. The duration of the exam will be 2 hours for Paper I and 3 hours for Paper II.
The number of questions and marks for each paper are as follows:
- Paper I: 100 multiple-choice questions of 1 mark each (total 100 marks)
- Paper II: 150 multiple-choice questions of 1 mark each (total 150 marks)
SLIET SET Syllabus 2023
Providing the SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 PDF link can be very helpful for candidates as it will allow them to download and access the syllabus anytime, anywhere. It is important for candidates to go through the syllabus and make a study plan accordingly to cover all the topics and sections mentioned in the syllabus. Preparing according to the syllabus is crucial as it helps candidates to focus on the important topics and avoid wasting time on irrelevant topics. It also helps them to understand the exam pattern and the weightage of each section.
SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 SET III (Available Now)
SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 SET V (Available Now)
SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 SET VI (Available Now)
SLIET SET Syllabus 2023 SET VII (Available Now)
Important Note: We advise candidates to go through the syllabus thoroughly and prioritize their preparation based on the weightage of each topic. They can also solve previous year’s question papers and take mock tests to analyze their performance and identify their strengths and weaknesses.