SSC GD PET PST Admit Card 2023: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has recently declared the result of the GD Constable Exam 2023. Now, the commission is all set to release the admit card for Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST). The SSC GD Admit Card will be available on the official website – The SSC GD PET/PST Exam is scheduled to be held on April 15, 2023. Here are some important updates and information regarding the SSC GD PET PST Hall Ticket 2023.

Overview of CRPF GD PET PST Call Letter 2023
- Organization Name: Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
- Exam Body: Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
- Exam Name: PST/PET event of CT (GD)-2022 in CAPFs, SSF, Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifle and Sepoy in NCB
- No. Of. Post: 50187
- SSC GD PET/PST Date: 15 April 2023
- SSC GD PET/PST Admit Card: To be released soon
How to Download SSC GD PET/PST Admit Card 2023?
Once the SSC GD Admit Card is released, the candidates can follow these simple steps to download it:
- Visit the official website of CRPF –
- Click on the admit card link
- Provide your details
- Download CRPF GD PET PST Admit Card 2023
SSC GD PET PST Hall Ticket Release Date 2023
It is expected that the SSC GD PST PET admits card 2023 will be available soon. Students are required to bring their SSC GD PST PET Admit Card with them to the examination center in order to attend the exam.
Download SSC GD PET PST Admit Card 2023
SSC GD PET Round Details
- Male candidates: will be asked to run 5 Kms in 24 minutes
- Female candidates: will be asked to run 1.6 Kms in 8 ½ minutes
Make sure to download your SSC GD PET PST Admit Card 2023 and prepare well for the PET/PST exam. Good luck!