SSC MTS Admit Card 2023: Check Tier 1 Admit Card and Application Status. Are you eagerly waiting for the SSC MTS Admit Card 2023? Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the application status link for the Multi-Tasking Staff Tier 1 Examination 2022 (MTS Exam 2022) on 6th April 2023. Candidates who have applied for the SSC MTS Recruitment 2023 can check whether their application is accepted or not by visiting the official website of Kerala Karnataka Region (KKR) i.e.,

SSC MTS Admit Card 2023
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will be conducting the Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Exam from 02 May 2023. Candidates who have applied for the exam can expect their Tier 1 Admit Card to be released in the second or third week before the exam. The admit card will be available on the respective regional websites of the commission, such as SSC NR, SSC ER, SSC KKR, SSC NWR, SSC NER, SSC MPR, SSC SR, and SSC WR.
SSC MTS Application Status | Click Here |
SSC MTS Exam Date 2023:
The SSC MTS Exam will be held on 2nd May 2023. The admit card for the Tier 1 exam is expected to be released in the second or third week. Candidates can download their admit cards by visiting the regional website of the commission i.e., SSC NR, SSC ER, SSC KKR, SSC NWR, SSC NER, SSC MPR, SSC SR, and SC WR.
How to Check SSC MTS Application Status 2023?
Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to check the SSC MTS Application Status 2023:
- Visit the website of the SSC Region. For example, SSC KKR (
- Click on “Click here to know the Application Status for Multi-Tasking Staff Examination,2022 (Tier-I) to be held from 02/05/2023(Uploaded on 06/04/2023)”
- Enter your registration number and date of birth
- Check SSC MTS Tier 1 Application Status
Don’t forget to carry the SSC MTS Admit Card 2023 to the exam hall. The admit card contains crucial information such as exam date, centre details, candidate’s name, and roll number. Candidates can download the admit card by visiting the regional website of the commission. In case of any difficulty downloading the admit card, candidates can follow the steps mentioned above to avoid any inconvenience.