Telangana SSC Supplementary Hall Ticket 2023 Released: The Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) has recently released the hall tickets for the SSC Supplementary Exam 2023. The supplementary exam is conducted for students who were unable to pass the regular SSC exam. To download the hall ticket, candidates need to visit the official website of TSBSE and enter their details such as roll number, date of birth, etc. It is mandatory for students to carry a hall ticket to the exam center. Candidates must ensure that all the information mentioned on the hall ticket is correct and in case of any discrepancy, they should contact the concerned authorities immediately.

Important Dates for Telangana SSC Supplementary Exam 2023:
Exam Dates:
The Telangana SSC supplementary exams will be conducted from June 14 to June 22.
Admit Card Availability:
Students can download the SSC supplementary admit card from the official website,
How to Download Telangana SSC Supplementary Hall Ticket 2023?
- Visit the official website of the Telangana Board of Secondary Education at
- Look for the “Notifications” or “Examination” section on the homepage.
- Find and click on the link for the SSC supplementary admit card 2023.
- Enter your login credentials, such as roll number and date of birth.
- Verify the details and submit the form.
- Your Telangana SSC supplementary admit card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and print the admit card for future reference.
BSE Telangana SSC Supplementary Call Letter 2023 – Click Here (Available Now)