THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Admit Card 2023 (Out): The THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Admit Card 2023 has been released by THDC India Limited officials. This article provides all the necessary information about the admit card, including the exam date and steps to download it. Candidates who have applied for the THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Exams can now access their admit cards and prepare for the upcoming examination.

THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Exam Date 2023
The THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Exam Date 2023 has been mentioned on the admit card. It is crucial for candidates to note down the exam date and make necessary preparations accordingly. The exam date serves as a reminder to candidates to be well-prepared and perform their best on the scheduled day. India Limited Call Letter 2023
The THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Admit Card 2023 is also referred to as the India Limited Call Letter 2023. This call letter is a mandatory document that candidates must carry to the examination center. It acts as an entry ticket, allowing candidates to appear for the exam. The call letter contains important details like the candidate’s name, roll number, exam center, and exam timing.
Steps to download THDC JET Hall Ticket 2023 Online
Candidates can follow these simple steps to download the THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Hall Ticket 2023:
1. Visit the official website of THDC India Limited at
2. On the homepage, navigate to the “Career” section.
3. Look for the notification related to the THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Admit Card 2023.
4. Click on the link provided to access the admit card download page.
5. Enter the required details such as registration number, date of birth, and captcha code.
6. Verify the entered information and click on the “Submit” button.
7. The THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
8. Download and save the admit card.
9. Take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
Important Instructions for Candidates
- Candidates must carry a valid photo ID proof along with the admit card to the examination center.
- It is advisable to reach the exam center well before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card.
- Any discrepancy in the admit card should be immediately brought to the notice of THDC India Limited officials for rectification.
- Candidates should strictly follow the instructions mentioned on the admit card and adhere to the exam rules and regulations.
Download THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Admit Card 2023 << Available Now >>
Note: Candidates who have applied for the THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Exams can now download their admit cards from the official website of THDC India Limited. The admit card contains crucial information such as the exam date, venue, and timing. It is essential for candidates to carry the admit card and follow all the instructions mentioned on it. Proper preparation and adherence to exam guidelines will help candidates perform well in the THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Exam 2023.